T-Shirt Filler!
Sorry about the filler guys, I spent the majority of the day getting everything set up for this weekend, the shirts are in, and they are all going out by Monday! ย Thank you again for all your support, this predorder was a complete success far beyond what I was ready for.
I’ve also upgraded to cable internet, to which I’m acting appropriately.
SO again thank you, and have an awesome weekend or whatever they call it these days.
Lol. Sweet. It’s always nice to get your hands on a good ISP. Gratz on that.
Even the word bubble is dapper. Love it! ^_^
That’s how you know he is up to the challenge. I want a dog like that now!
I don’t think I’ve ever been disappointed by one of your filler comics.
Sadly, this makes me want to paint Google on my dog.
i think you made a typographical error… see, you said ‘sadly’ but you meant ‘hells yeah!’ ๐
that is the best speech bubble of my whole life.
You should let Sir Barker Woofington know that smoking is a dirty habit regardless of how dapper it makes one appear. Also, you should sell monocles and bowler hats in the shop.
I would agree, if not for the fact that I know the specific bowler hat I want to purchase isn’t available anywhere at all. Still… monocles.
ah, if you’re in the business for monocles may I point you in the direction of a most charming of emporiums? It’s a most gentlemanly emporium, if I do say so myself.
If you could sell dapper speech bubbles.
I’m kind of worried to find out where you plug the ethernet cable in on Sir Barker Woofington Esquire…
I’m trying not to think about it.
…damn it. Too late. O_o
I kind of missed the journal comics
Yay! A t-shirt filler to let me know that, soon, I too will be a t-shirt filler. ๐
I came across these t-shirts and thought of you immediately.
Those look amazing :O
I know what I want for Christmas!
…What? It’s never too early to begin a Christmas list. *nod*
I agree wholeheartedly. In fact I’ve already got my list in the works. Mostly webcomic merch.
That is one of the most awesome speech bubbles I have ever seen, second only to the rainbow unicorn bubble you did a while ago.
This is the one I was referring to:
Might I ask nicely… How are the T-shirts? Are they the super soft cotton kind, or the kind of rough and scratchy cotton?
They should, of coarse, be of the rough and scratchy wool kind – so that lesser men can share in the comfort and protection that is the burlesque man’s thick, steely arm-and-chest-and-facial hair! Hoohah! 8)
Beautiful Pun.
Did your dog get the special google doodles on special occasions (like the bunsen burner design yesterday due to the 200th birthday of Bunsen)?
If so, that’s one incredible dog…
Great dog name or greatest dog name?
aww, i know how you felt with the internet, im still using my crappy ISP
just absolutely dapper of you to not fire him but relocate his job
Hmm. Methinks he cannot both be a ‘sir’ and an ‘esquire’!
A very dapper sort of error, though. ๐
“Esquire” can be merely a name, whereas “sir” is an honorific title.
or he’s so dapper that he’s doubly entitled
Yay, Fritz Lang
NERGIL, you found a real nergil :3 life has reached a new peak of exellence
I want to steal that name for my pug when I get it. XD