Stalking 101 on August 11, 2010 Series: Nerf This I’ve never been stalked, but I hear it’s not pleasant.
your site higlights in pink XD this makes me extremely happy!
I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂
OhShi- *Get highlighted*
Great, this was a new shirt, too.
Awww, how cute, hehe. Zoey is so crazy, but she’s adorable, so she makes up for it 😀
I REALLY like drawing Zoey, we may see more of her
Chase and Zoey are gonna be fast friends.
two peas in a (creepily awkward) pod 🙂
Zoey remains my favorite, if I haven’t already made that abundantly clear. This strip just makes her more my favorite. 😉
I had a stalker once, when I did amatuer stand up comedy. She broke up with me. I was relieved and heart broken.
If the stalker was really good at it, how would you even know?
Great comic.Zoey continues to make my giggle furiously into my hands, so that I don’t alarm the passers by. Or my roomate. I don’t think it’s working.
It absolutely makes my day to hear you say that, thank you 🙂
Steph in the second panel is my favorite drawing of her so far!
You are such a pro, man. 😛
hah, I assure you I’m not pro, just some guy trying to get better 🙂
pffft, whatever man, I wouldn’t be refreshing a website waiting for an update for less than pro work 😀
Your work is fantastic, keep at it dude.
I really like when Chase and Zooey bond.
I love writing their dialog 🙂
It truly is a misunderstood art. I mean what’re ninjas except really skilled stalkers? ….with swords?
and they get the job done 😉
Also btw Scott you’re out of shampoo ^_^
how did you know?
I propose we have a Zoey find-it in the rest of the comic!
That I will have to do (one day) 😀
You should update scout crossing and Motokool more often!
I want to, and I’ll be able to when I get caught up on freelance a bit 🙂
LOL talk about creeping it up
Chase reminds me of David Tennant in the last panel
Stalkers can be fun, you just have to turn the game around on them.
Please tell me she snaps when she hears chase proposed to taryn.