Sparring Partner
Hmmm, it’s 4:30 am, which is the perfect time for a horrible Scooby Doo mystery (but I’ll be sleeping instead).
Scout Crossing has been updated as well π
Hmmm, it’s 4:30 am, which is the perfect time for a horrible Scooby Doo mystery (but I’ll be sleeping instead).
Scout Crossing has been updated as well π
Methinks Mr Mills has been single for a little too long when he’s having wet dreams about that. O_O;
Why you change the last line?? Wetdreams was so much more effective and funny. Sorry to put it as reply to marissa but post comment button wasn’t showing up
Scott this is close to child abuse putting Chase through this
Damn, Chase looks sexy in the second panel there….rawr! π I’m so happy at how this comic (as well as the others have, though this is my favorite π hehe) progressed. You’re doing so well…it makes me proud to see how far you’ve come from the first days.
I’m feeling nostalgic, and I haven’t posted a comment in a while, sorry, lol.
His smile could break OTHERS jaw from the sheer force. X3
I may be mistaken, but it seems that his smiles manifest as a more steely eyed gaze. Unless his eyes are just squinting more in the last panel because he’s trying to stifle a tear…
…or you know, just ‘cuz he probably hasn’t used those particular facial muscles since… ever…
Once again chase has shown us, He is either Really brave or Really Dumb , Or (as i like to believe) the combination of two
-laughs- I love the last two panels.
Sleeping? Are you sure you remember how?
Maybe you’d better mow with Scooby just in case.
I am using that “…probably break my jaw…” line at some point in my life. It gives me the giggles.
Also, does anyone else have the problem of the “Post Comment” button being behind the ads at the bottom of the screen (I use firefox, Safari doesn’t give this problem however)? That may also be something you want to know, Scott.
Safari is likewise giving me no problems, and in Camino… it appears to be slightly behind them.
Does anyone else think that Ruggles and Tarynβs dad look VERY similar?
Except for the lack of eyes, more like Tony’s dad in that respect.