Some Guys Like Teeth
Damn those teeth, you think a man of finery could snap himself a break now and then.
This marks a new story, but fear not, the Zoey & Chase story isn’t done yet, far from it in fact π Β No waspsΒ defecatedΒ on my art today, so yay!
Awww…mongooses are cute π Or is it mongeese?
you are awesome for saying “mongeese” π
*bows* I know. Lol, just kidding.
I really like how you drew Mabel. I just wanna ruffle her wittle ears!
haha, I know she’s a mongoose, things are kind of creepy, so she’s modeled after a weasel, and a hussy at that π
I think they’re all adorable, especially ferrets (if you don’t mind the smell)! I don’t know how to do the little link-y thing you do, but you have amazing picture-finding skills, so I’m sure that if you didn’t know what one looked like, you’d soon know.
I had a few friends who had them, and their apartment would smell rottenly awful… but i’d say it’s a decent sacrifice if they look like this π
OMG that is TOO freaking cute π If you bathe them every so often and keep the poops scooped, they aren’t really that bad. Oh, and it helps if you get one that’s been descented. We only sell the descented ones. π They have the best personalities…it’s so fun to watch them when they play, the way the jump
So I’m guessing you work at a pet store? If you do, steal me some cockatiels π
I work at Petco π And cockatiels are so sweet! I trained one of them to do the ‘sexy’ whistle whenever a female walked by. He was super smart, and he’d come right up to the door. Wouldn’t let you hold him though. I was working him towards that when he got bought π
I’m currently looking for a coackatiel, had one when I was little, but I’ll probably have to ween the thing myself I have to, I need a little warrior to sit on my shoulder for when I draw π
If you do decide to get a cockatiel, try to get him from somewhere that can and will have some sort of guarantee. If you can, ask where they get their birds from, and check up on the internet to make sure that there’s not even a WHISPER of anything about psittacosis. Very deadly to birds and can pass to you…it’s chlamydia in humans.
A cockatiel would make a good warrior to sit on your shoulder, but so would a conure π Those are my true love in the bird world. Such personalities…more so than cockatiels, which is a lot!
I did not know that about pistachios, so thank you for that. I LOVE conures, but they have a somewhat hefty price tag π
Heh, this is relevant to my interests.
haha, well said.
It’s like…everything you touch is cute.
I ruin everything π
Haha, I LOVE this. :]
Dude, I just read through your webcomic and it’s pretty great too! π
oh wow, I’m really glad you liked everything, thank you for the kind words π
I just finally got to the end of this comic now. This is some good stuff. I read some mentions about “Nerf” in the comments on Scout Crossing and I just queried “nerf comic” into Google, and I’m glad I did. Going through all of these was almost as delightful as going through GWS, which was what linked me to Scout Crossing in the first place if I remember correctly.
Thank you, I’m really surprised you read everything, I know the beginning is pretty rocky (hell, it still might be rocky, haha), but I’m happy you like everything and really happy to have you as a reader π Nerf This was my first comic, and I started Scout and Motokool within a month of each other, and all 3 are a ton of fun to do π
That’s what she said =P
hahaha, I thought that to myself and snickered π
Best BJ reference EVER.
Your comics are amazing and I’m really enjoying seeing how your art style has progressed (much more apparent when one reads all of these over the span of two days, as I have just discovered this gem of a webcomic)!
Thanks Tax, that’s really awesome to hear, and it completely made my day π Hopefully I can keep getting better (if I get worse, I’ll have to do something shameful, like grow a beard)
Good lord – don’t do that! Only few-day-old stubble is appropriately shameful PLUS dashing! Don’t worry though, I am all caught up as of last night and I thoroughly enjoyed your most recent strip as much as this one!
actually the mortal enemy of the mongoose is actually the cobra i believe
Do you know how freaked out I was upon reading this and out of no where I see my name? (My name’s Mabel Escobar). It’s creepy as hell. …On other news, this was an interesting strip.
Now for random trivia since I’m bored. The name Mabel mean “lovable’ or “the one that is loved/the loved one” and is a shortened version of Amabel and can be written as Mabel or Mable. It was extremely popular in the 50’s due to an actress of the same name in the 20’s.
…Yeah, I know, I’m sad.