Solve Solving
Man, I hoped this turn out somewhat humorous, wish-washiness had to take priority. If anyone is interested, I did a zoomed in shot of Taryn to see the detail I somehow (very) haphazardly put into a character.
On another not, I discovered a pretty cool webcomic, the story is awesome, and I added it to what I look forward to in a week. If you have a moment, check it out 🙂
Discussion (81) ¬
Ah, whatever.
I think Taryn would look adorable in Chase’s chesthairstache. It’s too bad Tony stole it.
And I’ll definitely look into the webcomic you mentioned, since your site has linked me to a number of comics of interest already.
You beat me by a few seconds…be happy -_-
I’d say it won’t be a few weeks until Chase can even think about investing into another Chestache (or does he secretly have a case filled with them) 😉
I LOVE YOU! Please sign my MJ Boxers….MJ for Michael Jordan, not Michael Jackson.
Just kidding but when your famous you may have to deal with things like that =p
hahaha, for a second I thought Mary Jane, like Peter Parker Mary Jane.
…Never thought about it, but I dont think ill complain about Mary Jane being down there either.
D’aw, they’re adorable!
However, this is weird. From where I am, the image only loads partially past halfway? :C I am a sad panda. I can’t see what Taryn says in the second panel, or her expression in the first, or the bottom half of Chase’s face in the third, or who is holding that hand up in the last one! …Although I predict it is Chase.
Awkwardly Adorable. <3, Scott.
Problem solved! I just had to press the Refresh button.
*Flibbertygibbet Alert*
haha, that half panel was my attempt at trying to fix something, and that went about as well as eating lava. but it is fixed 🙂
is Taryn modeled after someone you know? Because you seem to put ALOT of thought into how she looks and it comes out really well
Nope, only a handful of characters are modeled after real people, In Nerf This, only Steph and Tony are modeled after real people. If anything, Taryn might be a collective of personalties from multiple people I’ve come to know. I’m putting a lot of effort into her because I’m still pretty new at trying to develop character traits, hopefully I can get better at fleshing people as the story evolves 🙂 The only comic where almost all the characters are based on people I know is Scout.
cool, cool, i wanna meet who ever Pizzly is modeled after ^_^
ah, that would be my great dane, Chance 🙂
I MUST know who Ruggles is modeled after! And then I must steal his mustache!
Haha, Ruggles is actually based on a guy who tried to date a good friend of mine, and trust me, they are very close resemblances to each other 😉
Knowing there is someone out there that looks just like Ruggles makes my life that much better, I hope to pass him on the street one day, that would make my day
Haha, any small indie coffee shop has a alittle bit of Ruggles in it (hopefully) .
hahahaha if you have a great dane who hates bad music, wears scarves and smokes, you are by far the luckiest man i have ever met, congrats ^_^
Well, we’re still trying ot break that smoking habit, but he’s getting there 😉
woah! that is so cool. scout is the badassest! you know exciting people.
and I hope I know a 1000 more in my life 😀
D’AW. I like Chase’s face when he tells Taryn he loves her. 🙂 These two are so cute. I can’t wait for the detectiveness to come about!
haha, I can’t wait either, I already have the next post sketched out 🙂
When I order the boxers, you can sign them as Peter Parker. I promise I won’t mind <3
haha, I’ll be happy to, and awesome avatar by the way 🙂
hmmm, much like “logic-ed the hell out of that problem” I just might have to quote you on “we solve the hell out of solving”.
I don’t know how you do it, but your creativity is astounding.
And you know what? it looks like a logicless and emotionless Chase isn’t such a bad thing, he’s a lot more serious, but maintains a little of his ‘goofball’ status.
He still has a lot of growing up to do, and he’ll always maintain that… whatever makes him, him 😉
Love the comic as always, my good sir! And that is a rather gorgeous headshot close up of Taryn. Keep up the amazing work!
I love drawing all the characters in Nerf This, and thank you for the kind words, I’m happy you liked it 🙂
solvingest solvers that ever solved!!!!
epic animation, my friend. epic
Thanks! I’m happy you liked it 😀
Loved the last panel! Good work, sir.
awesome, glad you liked it (I’d be a fool to turn down sketching flowing bed sheets, a fool!)
Panel Three, Chase Looks Like A Suave Badass Who Happens To Be Hell Bent On Romantic Progress.
This is the best description I have ever heard for anything. 🙂
haha, very nice description.
i have now saved that panel on my computer under that title. it’s a very long file name, but worth it.
asbwhtbhborp. i wonder if it’ll catch on…
“A Suave Badass Who Happens To Be Hell Bent On Romantic Progress” Is Indeed A Long Title But Sometimes, You Can’t Describe Such Things In A Few Words.
good comic.
half expect to next see Monty being shown this by the shadow man ttying to prove Chase and Taryn don’t love him. Like dorothy in wizard of Oz.
Oh wow, that would break his little heart… I like it.
Hello Sir Scoot you fine Dapper Devil I’ve been reading your comics for a very long time but i never left you a single comment before I’m sorry but this caught my attention…Chickenhare you mentioned i read it before its great comic and also mentioned by another great webcomic artist are you aware of Tyson Hesse Creator of boxerhockey and new hot comic Diesel…soo far i love reading all your COMICS and watch out for strawberries with beards they give you gas that smells like strawberries…and eggs.
freaky about the strawberries, but i would like to concur that, yes, boxerhockey is the bees knees.
One could even say the cat’s meow 😉
or cat’s pajamas.
I don’t know much about Tyson from Boxer Hockey, but I love his comic, he’s one hell of a talented guy. I still need to get a copy of diesel 🙂
Yes he’s very talented i even pre-oredered a book of diesel last week but your good too if you were to kill a were-wolf with rubber bullets and a piece of magic WOOD that somehow shoots then your on your way to farting Lightning that can kill 10 bears and Chuck Norris with a BB-gun
Hey, I think I brought up something about the store a while back. Then you fixed it and made it beautiful. Well I’d thought I’d let you know that when the banner at the top leads to the store instead of Scout/Moto it leads to the old store.
Thanks for the heads up, I have to get those relinked up, the store had an issue with freezing orders that were coming in too, luckily with Joenis from LAWLS helping me, we’re getting a lot of the kinks worked out
Even though you changed it a couple strips back, I have finally decided that the new style is your best art yet. ‘specially Taryn :}
Thanks! I’m going to try and do an overhaul on the girls, Aidan is going ot be coming back too 🙂
thats the next mystery to solve: how to solve the hell out of solving.(gets handed a note, reads it) great, if i say solving one more time my head will explode. “kablooie”
hmmmm suddenly a career as a PI doesnt seem so bad
scott your work is amazing! you have the uncanny ability to draw people right into the story and really care about what happens within. i have been following nerf this for a long time and i must say it is my favorite webcomic (along with scout crossing). nerf this is my morning coffee and usually when i get it i head out with a skip in my step and a smile on my face. thank you for your beautiful work, amazing storyline, and fantasticly developed characters.
-faithful fan forever!
Wow, thank you so much, I really don’t know what to say, I can only hope that as time goes on, I get better and better, so I can deliever you all a better story with even better art.
Angain, thank you 🙂
this might be one of my favorite strips in a while – FEELINGS, Chase caught in a brief moment of lucidity.
My only regret is that I may have made “feelings” too small 😉
My new favorite thing you’ve done. I love the word “feelings” in the second frame! I can hear him saying it. Love it.
I’m glad you like it, I love playing with word bubbles 🙂
scott your art just keeps evolving! stunning.
taryn is so freaking pretty! i’m straight, but…..if she was real….maybe….woah.
I can only hope I get better:) I’m happy you’re liking the teaks I’m making.
ok, this is my fourth comment on this stupidly awesome strip. i will stop after this.
i would just like to add: i love how “feelings” is dripping. it totally lets us know how he said it. bravo.
the detail you put into this one is just spectacular, she looks so cute when she is flirty
Wow, thanks! I hope that as time goes on, I can even put more into each strip 🙂
She’s beautiful.
Chase looks almost intelligent in the third panel!
It’s only a fluke, I assure you he’ll be back to normal shortly 😉
Best girlfriend ever.
Your closeup pic was pretty interesting, I never realized that the characters were so detailed. Perhaps it’s the resolution, or the format, I don’t know. I especially like the eyes, how they’re multi-leveled.
Also, that girl is wearing Quantum Shorts, in the state of existing and not. God bless you, Scotticus. (kidding)
Yeah, a lot fo the details get lost at 72 dpi, but I love the way it looks so people will be able to see it in a print version. Quantum shorts sound alternately parallel-ey exciting 🙂
Dude, I love that Taryn image. Its a way pretty view of her 😀
Awesome, thanks Austin, I’m hoping to get them better looking yet!
nice going Chase 😀 sweet close up of Taryn btw! 😀 i found this comic yesterday ^^ i love it all!
Well, I’m more than happy that you found my comic, and thank you for the kind words 🙂
That close-up of Taryn is AMAZING. It’s astounding how much detail you put into your characters. It definitely pays off, though, as your comics continue to have fantastic artwork. Bravo on yet another great strip, sir!
haha thanks Andrew, I’m hopong that in the coming weeks I’ll be pushing myself harder yet on the art of Nerf This 🙂
For a while I wasn’t a big fan of how you were drawing Taryn. But the small changes you’ve been making over time have resulted in her looking amazing! Your comic is amazing. Thank you for making it.
…Im really missing Monty…
You know, you’re getting really good with female facial expressions. Keep it up!
by the way hi again 😀
gorgeous. Wonderful job.
You know, that last pannel with Chase’s hand sticking out of the bed sheets while he makes such a statement, just reminds me:
“I will smite thee, Mickey Mouse alarm clock!”
You sir, draw some seriously hot comic characters