Sockingly Judged
Mr. Mills likes being involved. I never had a tree house, but if I did… “____”
Oh, I will be streaming (drawing, telling stories, making horrible throat gurgle noises) Tuesday Monday night, so if you wish to watch, I’ll be posting the link over here.
Oh man. I think I just retore a gut muscle. hahaha!
the tree house WOW i want one.
Yeah, I’ll take that tree house, thanks. Can you have it built in my backyard by the summer? That would be great.
XD I can just picture Mr. Mills talking with a really raspy, girly voice when he’s sock puppeting, like Strong Bad with the Teen Girl Squad, or a really husky voice like Alice from Superjail.
I was imagining more of a Dr. Girlfriend. XD
D’aww mr mills is playing along! Chase must be hallucinating again xD
There hasn’t been a female puppet so manly ! …well maybe Ms. Piggy.
Perhaps it’s a sockubus (please don’t kill me)
…3 arms?
seems like they are getting ready to get into this videoclip or something like that…–ISBmLno
Is Mr. Mills playing along, or does he have an epic foot?
i love it when people say “dont judge me” cuz then you do 😀
Am I to assume then, that due to Mr. Mill’s presence, Professor Bearsworth is no more? Or did their epic duel end in a draw once again?
Still wondering where one gets a sock that has a uvula.
Your socks don’t have uvulas?
I can’t stop laughing at this… Mr. Mills’ huge arm and I’m imagining him making a womanly voice… its just too much XD
This is magical.
I wonder where they got the pink sock? let alone one large enough and strong enough to withstand Mr. Mills’ Forearms and arm hair.
It’s one of his socks after a red got mixed in with his whites
Or perhaps it’s a white sock of his that was mixed with Chase’s blood.
I vote blood. It’s the only shade of pink manly enough to survive being in Mr. Mills’ presence.
Manly men wear pink.
haha mr. mills haha