Slightly On Edge
Well… it’s about time Tony showed up, must have been hiding in the back somewhere.
Granted, I can relate with Chase… should have seen me seconds after I was swimming at night. After I deemed I swam enough, I relax, and see this on my shoulder. I half expected it to ask what my favorite color, or band was.
I would have high 5’d it if it looked like this instead.
If it looked like a design swan?
Cos she’s a brick-
jesus tits, what kinda spider is that? o.o i want an army of zem…
also, i approve of random-shut-up-brick-whacks to the face ^.^
(A) Wolf Spider, maybe.
(B) Camel spider, but why he has on in his pool is beyond me.
DID YOU GET BIT? IF YOU DID, YOU ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE!! (pool pun not intended)
I love how dapper Nergil’s speech-bubble-face is. I’m not…exactly sure what to call it, so…
Also…Chase’s crazy laughter…is so incredibly imaginable…amazzzinnng. Is it now allowable to use “brick” as a noun? Ex.: Tony got bricked.
I think that’s actually panting, with perhaps a dash of wheeze thrown in.
Agreed on the dapper speech bubble
Dapper bubble?
Dapper X.X bubble?
Maybe one of those?
Brick is a noun. You’re wanting to use it as a verb there.
Also, who the hell DOESN’T just randomly yell Brick when bitch slapping some fool with a plank of wood?
Please, oh please, warn us before putting some monstrosity up like that again…I almost bricked my laptop. >.>
Bricks of fire!
To Chase’s credit, if that had actually been a brick, he wouldn’t have just concussed his best friend.
Ahem, also, thanks for making awesome comics. *have a hug!* There, there, Chase, it’s over. ^^ Have to say I especially love the dapper faintbubble over Nergil and Chase’s weak/exhausted evil laugh XD
he SO deserved that, im loving chase XD
Actually, Tony deserves a “brick” to the *junk* for hiding in the back this whole time.
ya know, either Chase is pissed at Tony, or maybe he can’t control his rage anymore? I mean, no matter what, he doesn’t actually wail on his buddy.
His inner rage may be at work, or this will be resolved in a few strips XD
oh nvm, I just read the strip title “Slightly On Edge”. Hes probably just scared half to death that another “enemy” has come onto the battlefield 😛
That cat is hilarious.
Tony deserved that, but… what did Chase just do? Is this the mighty Power of BRICK we’re seeing?
Because that bright flash of light looks like more than just a plank to the head, is all I’m saying, I guess.
Uh oh.
Note the X’s in the eyes of Nergil’s speech bubble – dying gasp, maybe?
And then Chase just used the same power of BRICK! on Tony.
Of course, replace the B with a P, and you’d get a pretty accurate description of Tony’s behaviour in this arc. 😀
Heh, even when he’s unconscious, Nergil still has that dapper classiness about him.
By all retrospects…Heee did kinda deserved that.
and another thing that is a big ass spider but if you ever meet a wolf spider…don’t look ‘im in the eye’s…he can smell your fear and stare into your SOUL.
P.s It jumps.
I think chase is gone still…mentally anyway…my guess is he is going to pass out again any second now from lack of blood.
Pffff hahaha love that first speech bubble.
Mental Note. Do not stand behind inspector Cox.
So…you’re not Dapper? I believe you fail to realize the etymology of your screen name.
Also, BRICK!
No, I do 😮 I’m not Dapper. I’m honest about it! Oh shi- *Bricked*
Nergil’s little knocked out cloud thing reminds me of the thing that pops up when a window crashes or dies on chrome.
It’s a *metaphorical* brick. It could be an actual plank, or a pipe, or a concrete flamingo, and yelling “BRICK!” would still be *spiritually* appropriate.
*hits with Brick*
So…Chase is look smexy. Just saying.
Chase ALWAYS looks smexy 😉
I think it’s repressed rage still in control… And he’s been criticized by Tony one too many times over the years.
Hehehe, “You don’t like my word choice, huh? BAM! Whatchyou think of it NOW, fool?”
Jesus Scott, warn us next time you put a monstrosity in a link like that! I literally tried to hide from that….. *so scared to death of spiders*
… tony deserved what he got. Lets face it, chase would have helped him had the scenario been reversed.
Chase would have had an elaborate and useless/genius plan that still would have left Tony asking why he yelled brick.
Like when he abandoned him to die at his own wedding?
I mean, Tony’s being a dick, but Chase was being pretty much just as much of a dick at Tony’s wedding, to be entirely fair.
Also, that is a category three spider. Please see also, phil jupitus.
So…is Nergil dead or just knocked out?
I don’t understand what X_X means.
I’m pretty sure he’s just knocked out, because if it killed Nergil, then it would have killed Tony, and I don’t think that’s going to happen x3.
Chase used BRICK bitch slap!
It’s super effective!
And real talk; I dropped my phone once the first pic loaded on my screen Dx
Second Panel, That Facial Expression Was Priceless, Reminded Me Of Spike, From Cowboy Bebop, When He Dropped An Egg On His Lab.
Well, gents and ladies, it appears Tony’s been Brick Slapped.
I am never going to the East Coast. Ever.
I love the fact that Nergil’s dapper knocked-out speech bubble has a MONOCLE. No, seriously, that’s amazing.
Is that brilliant flash of light over Tony’s face while getting bricked (…er, planked? Boarded?) related in any way to the strange light shining in Chase’s eyes when he went after Nergil several strips back? Does Repressed Rage give Chase superpowers? I am interested by this.
please tell me he wasn’t bit because one that would hurt like a brick to the arm and two most likely has something in it that requires medical aid. and yes i did the same thing after fighting a guy my buddy came up behind me and i punched some teeth out because i was half exspecting another guy to try and pick a fight.
god dang it chase! thats not a brick! and dont hit tony, his Italian-ness is to awsome to be hit
I want that face. In the third panel. For an avatar.
Hey if someone wants to call out ‘brick’ as a battlecry everytime they swing a piece of wood, fine by me OVER THERE. Good pic of the spider hehee animate the next one jumping toward the screen :>