Sharper than any Sword! on September 14, 2010 Series: Nerf This Thank you everyone for being really patient and for the kind wishes, you guys are awesome.
Awww, that is so cute and funny all wrapped into one. You’d think Steph would be used to this kind of thing with Chase around.
hahaha. best wedding ceremony EVER.
Color me Jealous!
Steph is super pretty, especially her dress.
So… You really hurt yourself on the library stools?
This reminds me of my wedding… oh the times..
I wanna get married like that… tehehe
*wants a wedding like this*
And here I was concerned I’d never convince a gal to get married via warlock (call me ladies) XD
Do you have the phone number off that guy? XD
OMG hes got hair on his shoulders!!! lol
Awww, super sweet 😀
is it wrong to imagine him with a heavy british angry old man accent? o-o
If it is wrong, then you and I (and a few others) are royally screwed.
If it’s wrong, then I don’t want to be right. 😉
“Those whom god hath joined together, let no man, beast, orc, dwarf, demon, elf, troll, mage, warlock, or gnome put asunder!”
Re-reading this comic, the last panel by itself reads so very wrong. Like, Rapey wrong.