Seducing Freedom
Now that is the Chase I know and love, or at least the hyper-sexual delusional one.
Horrid wondrous wonders abound!
Now that is the Chase I know and love, or at least the hyper-sexual delusional one.
Horrid wondrous wonders abound!
careful, “Freedom aint free and yall gotta pay”. She’s one of the highest class prostitutes around.
Classy as fuck and a whole lot of her
or classy ass fuck and an other hole
… I prefer my version but to each his own soooooo yeah
I’m getting wet from these double monocles and I don’t even have a vagina
might explain the mix of pee and chlorine smell
Where did you find your monocle and did you roll it up again yourself?
Dapper as Dapper gets bitches.
It’s so cool how Chase always has a full wardrobe along with him, where ever he may travel! HAHAHAHA Good show, my kind sir! Good show! HAHAHA
just thought you should know every time there is a pepsi add the actual comic won’t load you might want to get it checked out
Why are you getting pepsi ads?
I was rereading the series and every time there was a pepsi add along the top of the web page nothing else would load
Probably Pepsi pays per ad display time, and the ad pimp used a script for causing a large delay.
double monocle is the…fuckin best monocle
I’m changing my name to DESTINY LEGENDARY!
I want a Zebroodle to terrify MY cat!
This can only end goodly.
You, sir/madam, have great taste in comics! You comment on pretty much all of my favorites like some all-knowing-stalker-type-person-thing-sentient pickle.
It’s ‘sir’. And I actually read a lot more than just the ones I comment on. 🙂
I’m everywhere. Like a dust bunny.
I think I had upwards of 50 on my “regular reads” list at one point. Then the bookmarks went poof! Still bravo, sir. Bravo.
BUNNEH!! *coughcough* Dusty bunny
I AM ALSO EVERYWHERE ( I like the tiling in your bathroom by the way it’s really satisfying to look at for some reason). I read more web comics then I can even keep track of
you want ‘steal’ in first panel
Uh, no? “Steel” makes sense, “Steal” doesn’t. It’s a verb. Deftly used like in
O God of battles! steel my soldiers’ hearts. –Shakespeare
Pretty sure both can be used.
Steal as in his idea is to take her delicate heart as his property with his great planning ability.
Or steel as in harden or make like metal her fragile heart.
Nope. Steel is the proper usage. You would have to interpret chase in a really weird way to get the idea that he was taking Taryn’s heart, and that doesn’t make much sense. Especially since the original text is “steel” which fits with actual usage.
it loosely translates to “prepare yourself”. He is telling her to make her heart as hard as steel, metaphorically, so that she is not scared.
you want ‘scarred’ in last word
Steel thy shovel!
Ah, here is the monocled penis you announced to be drawing in last comic’s mouse-over text.
And the mouse-under text under this one is quite hilarious.
….i feel like theres something wrong with me for my first reaction to be “how did they get that tiny zebra into a dog suit?”
fuck it. fuck it all we’ll do it the dapperslick way of things and see who’s on top when the mist settles…i think i did a innuendo somewhere