Sad Baby Owl
Forgive me, I drew this comic at the height of my fever… in fact my expression looked pretty damn similar to Chase’s that day (all day). So I was just delusional and drew owls all day (could happen to anyone).
I saw a picture like this baby owl in my google searches last week, and after asking everyone I knew to buy me an owl proved fruitless, I was determined to do horrible, HORRIBLE things to get one. I’m still currently owless.
Discussion (23) ¬
she just lose it XDXDXD
LOVE IT! The faces you draw are priceless. Glad Sandy isn’t keeping you down.
Glad you like the faces 🙂 And Sandy’s gone, she was a drama queen anyway.
I love the owl! if you could make a wall paper of the owl and all its overwhelming cuteness,that would be amazing.and awesome of you. You should totally do that when you have a free moment.
Damn you Scott, with your lovable characters and cute baby owls. You made me laugh so hard I had a coughing fit (I have a bad case of bronchitis right now). I have no choice but to boycott your comics until I am better…once I’ve built up the willpower to stop reading your comics that is.
Omg I swear that owl has eyelashes in the first two panels. I, too, think that this owl should have its own wallpaper, perhaps with panel 3 owl. That…or just knock all the cuteness out with cute overload and do all sorts of cute baby animals in hats.
YOLO: you obviously LOVE owls
Haha questionable content.
What ever happened to taryn’s monster snarky?
Any word on books yet. I am a avid reader but i really want my book or at least some word on it. Please scott. I love this art but i gave you money and i really would like a product
Well, Chase, don’t go to Scott’s local pet supplies store.
Taryn’s face is the most adorable thing you’ve ever drawn, Scott! You being ill causes a massive outbreak of “Aww…”. You being normal… ish causes a massive outbreak of “SQUEE!!!” Either way, I love it (although I prefer you to be “healthy” (or as healthy as smokes, coffee and jerky can make one…))
That ‘Squeee” makes me wanna go ‘Squeee” as well….Taryn’s that face kinda reminds me of Zoey’s ”Crazed-orable” face.
Well Chase, go with your gut.. Feed it !
I made the exact same face as Taryn! hahaha! It’s sooooo cute!
i love taryns face!! i make the exact same face for jerky!!!
I wonder what persona is telling him to feed it orphans? Rage? Emotion? Insanity? <—- There you can get a nice Owl shirt!
Chase is drooling.
A Hedwig fan revealed
Oh my god, it’s so adorable! I’ve seen this owl in a picture before:
owl haha…orphans
I freaking love Taryn’s face in this.
Do it Chase, the voices are never wrong…