Sorry, I think I’m totaling 6 hours of sleep for the last 3 days, and my humor is absolutely vulgar this late D: Next week I promise humor will be slightly more… friendly?
Anyways, the preoder is going splendidly (almost there!), you guys continue to amaze me at every corner. I know I’ve said this many times, but seriously, if there is progression, it’s pretty much because of you guys. If it wasn’t for your feedback on everything, on catching my horrid grammar errors, pointing out slip ups I have (I seriously draw Nergil with 6 fingers once), I don’t think I, nor this comic would be where it is today. So, once again, thank you 🙂
I think Penis is a very prevalent emotion in guys. And thank YOU for making such awesome comics!
I am confused by the above comments
Bahahaha I love Chase’s inner voices xD ?
the hell is… DAMMIT. Agh, now I need to rewrite this or something D:
I actually thought that’s what this was a subtle little nod to. :]
but don’t be discouraged, think of it more as a ‘how are there pyramids in africa and south america’ thing. (either multiple discovery or ancient aliens)
Some truths are universal and may therefore show up in multiple works.
I think this is one of those universal truths. My boyfriend tells me this at least once a week.
😀 Don’t worry, I still love this one too~
And indeed, as Sharra said… it’s a universal truth. 😀
Think of it this way.. Great minds think alike.
Oh my god my fucking stomach hurts from laughing so hard..Scott, You’re a mad man.
A mad man… with a box?
Naah, just your garden-variety madman…
I think the processing station strips take place inside my own head.
Also logics clipboard is transparent in the first panel.
Its fancy like that! ;D
OHmygosh where can i find one of those mugs?!
Scott, you should have used the word “drew” instead of “draw” in your comments. 😉 just looking out for you.
Quote “(I seriously draw Nergil with 6 fingers once),”
Was it 6 fingers on his right hand? Cuz…I’m kinda looking for that guy.
HAHA! Thanks for that. 🙂
What did he ever do to you?
He killed my father. I must have my revenge.
Hahaa that made my day XD
I love you
Hahaha, I love the processing station strips! I would totally buy an emotion and a logic plushy if they existed…. *Hint hint*
Can you do a t-shirt with like a group photo of all the emotions in the processing station?
Sleepy humor is good humor 🙂 I kinda wonder if emotions were done for the opposite sex, what would vagina act like? Maybe a mix between rage and denial? And a randomißh question, would you get offended if a fan to a crack at making an emotion plushier? My own comic is fail lately but still feeling crafty :3
Randomish** and took a crack** stupid “auto-fix
I read both smbc and this comic compulsively, and was happy to also notice the cross-reference. 😀
Can’t wait for more, you’re awesome! and awkward, and all those other a’s.
LOL… isn’t that the truth!
Is penis always like this or is the bleeding just making him a bit on edge?
I totally imagine penis shouting like Mr.T …
After you said that I had to imagine penis with every accent I could think of.
Rolfmao… Now I have to as well.
Thanks guys. Thanks a lot.
Though I would buy coffee mugs with the Emotion faces on them, with quotes.
“Penis has no rules!” I would *love* that on my mug. Yes, people may stare, but I’ll just raise my cup, in a form of a “Fuck You”. It would be hilarious.
Keep up the good work, Scott!
You’re fully funded now! CONGRATULATION! *throws confetti*
I know it doesn’t really fit in this storyline, but…..
What happened to Mr Wiggles???
Really kinda liked that “thing”.
… preorder*
And nobody else noticed this? XD
Please tell me there will be a coffee mug of this. My boyfriend needs it. He really does.
Hooray! The book is totally funded! More so! <3