I think Chase’s confusion could stop even the most villainous of villains in their tracks (seriously).
EDIT: Nerf This is completely redone, and it should load faster too, Scout and Motokool are still offline, and Denis is basically breaking his back to get them up today. Thank you for your patience, and in the end, you’ll never have to worry about sporadic malware messages. EVER. There are still some things that need to be fixed, like the cast page and the store page, but it’s getting there, thank you for sticking with me through this mess 🙂
is it just me, or are the comics all suddenly missing.
It’s not just you. Before I could only navigate to the home page, though, so maybe it’s getting fixed.
They’re missing for me too. 🙁
I think you are right sir. That’s what makes Chase so friggin’ unreal!!
…. for some reason, scout and motokool aren’t working for me today…. T-T
I’m definitely sure that shadow guy would taste terrible.
I keep getting a forbidden error on both the comics. And I was so looking forward to Scout. I didn’t get a chance to look yesterday, if they even were working.
I do got to say though, I prefer the younger “shadow man”‘s wardrobe to the one he was wearing at the wedding. It looked a bit off. And Young chase is adorable. <3
Also, I don't know if the advertisements under the comic are random, but I got two nerf-this ad's under this strip.
I just realized how whiny that last part looked. I didn’t mean to sound like I was complaining. I actually thought it a little funny. o-o
I quite love this one, especially shadow guy’s confusion on what to do with chase. 🙂
Please stop talking.
whenever i try to access scout crossing or motokool i get a 403 error that says i do not have access to this site on that server
It does kinda ruin any head of steam you can get going when confronted with Chase’s “logic”
creepy shadow guy doesnt need to go to dentist.
I think “I ate you this morning. You tasted terrible” is my new random comeback. Out of context it’s kind of confusing/disturbing though…
Wouldn’t it still be somewhat disturbing and confusing IN context? XD
Exactly. They can’t say anything back.
In an effort to be as lazy as possible, I just link my twitter page, where I already made my comments on this situation. (
Copy and paste would have been MANY fewer keystrokes.
Laziness fail.
I’m not worried about it. I love this comic. Keep up the great work, and thanks as always. 🙂
“I’m on to you, Count!” Hehe. 🙂
Joenis is a total bad ass. I’m really glad you guys got the site fixed so fast. When i hit a 404 yesterday (or really early this morning?) my face nearly exploded.
Such wonderfull expressions for a guy with no mouth 🙂
Scott we shall stick it out with you. Your comic is funny and awesome. It always makes me laugh and smile, sometimes cry.
I feel so bad for you having to deal with all this Malware, I want you to know I was legitimatly freaked out when the website 404’d. I was all “But what about Chase and Monty and Count Chocula!?”
So yea, I’m pretty sure that is a sign that I will continue to be a devoted reader no matter what happens. I honestly love your comics, keep up the amazing (and I do mean that) work and ill always be here to read your comics and order your prints and get awesome Transformer stickers on the envelope. 😀
MATT! I put that transformers sticker on your envelope. I’m glad you liked it. Next time you order something, you’ll get a chance to see some newly purchased duct tape… the most dapper duct tape in existence. It will make you cry tears of class and finery.
From now on I think I’ll refer to the tall, creepy dude as Count Chocula until I find out what his name really is. 🙂
Um…The site here is loading but the comic is not. I just have a narrow white bar where the picture should be. Is that just me?
I get the same thing. 🙁
No, I’m getting the same thing 🙁
comics all gone… :'(
In that last link you posted, the girl in the blue dress actually creeps me out far more than the kid behind her.