Pretentiously Circling
I imagine this cycle went on for about three more hours. Poor gullible emotion… “stuff” is apparently his favorite topic.
Also, Denis from LAWLS is now launching his Kickstarter for his 1st book! I suggest everyone go and check out his video if you have a moment 🙂
Anyways, hope everyone has an awesome weekend!
Oh pretentious, we’re so in touch, but you all wouldn’t understand..
Freaking love Emotion. He’s just so out there.
Oh my gawd it’s my former co workers from Seattle.
Man, I’m surprised Chase doesn’t get seizures from all the crap going on in his head… O.o
I wish I had emotions excitement for just about everything.
I would love Chase for one panel have a mental breakdown when Logic and Emotion try to kill each other.
best. links. ever.
Still kicking myself for the one time I blurted out “You probably haven’t heard of it.” I maintain that I was bitten by a werehipster, though, and therefore could not be held accountable for my pretentiousness.
Good Scott, do the lulz never end?
Really enjoyed the arc, man, it was… it was…
Is anyone else seeing the “VirtuaGirl” ad down below the comic?
That site be virus-ridden… yo.
Keep up the good work, Scott.
I like to talk about stuff…
Damn you, Pretentious. ;A;
Does Chase have multiple personalities?
Ha, Pretentious could easily have been Hipster.
I sincerely think that’s the point :))
Oh yeah, Pretentious? Well, I know stuff too, and it was awesome. It was on that “Nerf This” website, but they won’t let guys like you in, because you’re not cool enough.
Love the Prossecing Stashin comics, Scott. You know how to crack us up, good sir.
i was in there………….
it kept going on and on and on and on and on …………
its a good thing no one needs “creativity”