My dear sir, It most certainly does. Seems I’ll have to be switching my daily cup to this fabulous brand. Give me a good tingle in my jimmies in the morning.
Scott, you marvelous meatbeast! I am wonderfully delighted at the frequency of updates you are providing us with. I demand a Dapper Finery comic in the near future to relate how you’ve been existing as of late, as I am woefully under-informed when it comes to this topic. You seem to be doing better, as your update frequency has increased tenfold.
That must be the “Dragon Dick” coffee! I’ve always wondered if it had any adverse side effects. But then the effects on men could be different than on ladies.
I love the way even your “white wizard” turns into being somewhat less noble than the title implies. HAHAHA
Now as for Zoey, her poor vagina needs a real penis in it. We all now know Nergil is fairly well endowed after seeing it just laying there on the ground. I would love to suggest a coupling. Zoey and Nergil’s detached and stolen penis. Bear in mind, I did not say she needed a man, just her vagina needed a real penis. HAHAHAHAhahaha (GASP) Funny how evil laughs suck the air right out of your lungs…..
I check every single day for a new post! I’ve been following your comic since 2009 and I always come back to it 🙂 It’s my favorite! The artwork is gorgeous and the characters are hilarious!! Keep up the good work Scott!!
By Jove, evil drugged coffee looks delicious.
My dear sir, It most certainly does. Seems I’ll have to be switching my daily cup to this fabulous brand. Give me a good tingle in my jimmies in the morning.
Truly only daterape magic can tingle one’s jimmies effectively..
*Clicks link.
And That’s why digital downloads became a thing.
Welp at least this is going to have a Happy Ending, well less happy and more WARLOCK FIGHT!!!!!
or both when the loser has to give a handy
…that works
Holy shit he’s a cat.
I like how the background signs have a bunch of curse words on them.
Scott, you marvelous meatbeast! I am wonderfully delighted at the frequency of updates you are providing us with. I demand a Dapper Finery comic in the near future to relate how you’ve been existing as of late, as I am woefully under-informed when it comes to this topic. You seem to be doing better, as your update frequency has increased tenfold.
I love how the bottle has BRO Juice written on it.
that link… eyes!
I have several questions…
third panel reads weirdly. shouldnt Zoey say “maybe I should* go get another”
other than that, hahahahaha in your face duck wizard.
That must be the “Dragon Dick” coffee! I’ve always wondered if it had any adverse side effects. But then the effects on men could be different than on ladies.
I love the way even your “white wizard” turns into being somewhat less noble than the title implies. HAHAHA
Now as for Zoey, her poor vagina needs a real penis in it. We all now know Nergil is fairly well endowed after seeing it just laying there on the ground. I would love to suggest a coupling. Zoey and Nergil’s detached and stolen penis. Bear in mind, I did not say she needed a man, just her vagina needed a real penis. HAHAHAHAhahaha (GASP) Funny how evil laughs suck the air right out of your lungs…..
…What the hell is “Bro Juice”…. and where did he get it?
I need that final panel as a background…
Did someone steal him off the face of the Earth?
I check every single day for a new post! I’ve been following your comic since 2009 and I always come back to it 🙂 It’s my favorite! The artwork is gorgeous and the characters are hilarious!! Keep up the good work Scott!!
time for some broicide