Out of Context
If this is the first time your reading this strip, PLEASE read this before you cast lighting upon me!
I’m sure people have said worse in front of cops (I think…).
May as well say this since it’s Friday, my sites are pretty much (almost) back to normal, so that’s &$*(&$# awesome in 18 different horrible ways ย ๐
And, if your new to the comic,ย rememberย to join the Nerf This fanpage to get updates on my other projects and little quick sketches which I’ll be doing ๐
weeee sooooo wrong on so many levels ROFL’s
which is why I HOPE people go back one page so they know D:
Guaranteed the best way to keep things from grownups…just put it in your pants! That’s what I used to do…
Off topic, it seems that since the update, I can’t post new comments. The post comment button only shows when I’m doing a reply. Although I am using a mobile browser.
Yeah yeah, tell it to the judge.
I love you.
haha, when I hit publish I immediately thought, “I just earned myself a nice lawn chair in hell”
and yet, we are ok with that ๐
(wipes sweat off forehead) ๐
Holy crap! Brilliant! Horribly horribly brilliant!
*stores sweat in a vial* ๐ก
that was delightfully creepy, you kinda rock.
Because we know that well be right there next to you.:D
When you get there ask for a room with sulphur conditioning, makes it much more pleasant.
You complete me.
Is it ok if I park mine next to yours? Luckily I’m installing a cooler into my lawnchair =3
Also does that one cop look kinda familiar to anyone else? It looks like if you grow out the bangs a bit and add a hat, 100lbs of muscle and an awesome beard… yea it kinda looks like a young Tony’s dad… before he started opening doors with puppies XD
DUDE, you scratched my paint! I hope you have good insurance.
Sorry I scratched the paint… I tell you what, you can ride in the same hand-basket to hell as me! It’s going to be lined with panda fur… and of course it’ll have some koala fur decor. I’ll be the one with the polar bear fur cape, monocle, mustache, and baby kitten mittens.
… I’m so going to hell for this comment
you forgot the baby seal eyes, and the ash tray made of rinocerous horn XP
what, no dalmatian puppies?
I felt they are slightly overused… and my ash trays are made out of silver-back gorilla skulls. But you wouldn’t believe how nice a blanket Bambi and his parents make =3 I also have stuffed sloth chandeliers hanging in every room.
He’s so forceful…
Oh, that is awesome! ๐
Poor evil count chocula.He just wants the monster in the little boys pants,
Don’t we all?
Do I see facial hair? XD
Once again, you have made my day. Bravo good sir!
This is my favorite Nerf This so far, just plain awesome!!
hey monty, hes never gonna give you up.
never gonna let you down.
wait, he might let you down.
(also, posted this on the previous comic too, but in case you didn’t read that… The post comment is either only broken for me, or it vanished in a puff off ninja smoke when using firefox. ๐ )
So i read all of this today…. omfg your work is wonderful! Just thought I would heep some praise your way ๐ I cannot wait to see what you come up with next!
Everything about this is HILARIOUS. No contest.
Ahahaha I fell over laughing in my chair at work. The enginers all around me looked at me like wtf is with that chick. Thank you scott for that brite morning smile. Now I’m the weird laughing chick at intel.
Okay so I have to ask. In one of the earliest strips, his name is Montague, and later on it changes to Montaque…. how exactly is it pronounced? Montague like from Shakespeare, but with a -que instead of a -gue (Mon-tuck-yoo)? Or a different way entirely? I speak like three different languages so my brain gets confused with pronunciations of strange names or words sometimes.
hehehehehe my fiancรฉ was wondering why he woke up to laughing and me falling out of a chair this morning….
things being taken out of context all always funny, im suprised monty isnt making any noises right now
i would have posted a comment earlier but I was too busy laughing my arse off XDD
So freaking hilarious… This and Scout Crossing are some of the funniest shit i read lol.
Good sir, I just discovered this comic today and spent what should have been a productive evening reading through its entity. I must say, very well done! Nerf This will easily be at the top of my webcomic list from now on.
This is sort of amazing.
bwahahahahaha XD I love it
So my 21st birthday party has a dapper finery theme :] Thank you Scott
Fake mustaches and monocles will be a given.
You Madame, Are awesome, I envy the Gent that has the pleasure of your company, and presently I am plotting his downfall for my own selfish reasons. lol.
You need not plot. His downfall was a few weeks ago. Apparently he is really sensitive about girls kicking his arse at Halo: Reach. Oops.
…I say, this post makes you quite that much more awesome, and that I too was jealous until I read this… now I just have to one less plot to plot. Also merry belated twenty-first madam, I hope your visits to the local gin joint were quite fun. =3
Dear God, if that really had anything at all to do with it, it sounds like you where dating a child,lol… at least at heart… you can kick my ass at halo reach ANY day, and the worst I promise to do because of it, is maybe start a tickle fight:P
Seriously though, any guy that would screw things up with a woman who seems as awesome as you over getting beat on a video game, has got to be the worlds biggest idiot…lol
Here here! I wish I could find a girl who at least knew how to work an Xbox 360 controller.
That sounds like the best damn birthday in the history of ever ๐
Oh it will be! I think I might love Nerf-This more than I should hahaha. My birthday is very much indeed inspired by all things Nerf-y and my best friend and I are getting “Geeky tattoos” It’s a toss up between an Xbox controller and Monty. I’m thinking Monty :]
all new levels of awesome right there, scott, how does one get started in this webcomic biz so I start attracting awesome ladies? I mean, I cant troll your comments section forever, I have to get out and carve my own path on the interwebs… oh, please tell me it doesn’t take any money or talent or hard work…please?…:/…
Sorry to bother you with one more reply, but I believe if you could somehow get Monty playing with an Xbox controller, I feel that would be quite ravishing. ^-^
is that tony’s father?
i am surprised he could be bothered to help chase.