Oh Denial…
I really do love drawing the thought process of Chase’s head, almost too much 🙂
Next week the updates will be back to normal, no more of this day time posting malarkey.
I really do love drawing the thought process of Chase’s head, almost too much 🙂
Next week the updates will be back to normal, no more of this day time posting malarkey.
XD!! This is my favorite Chase’s head comic. :3
Hahahahaha so basically Denial just had a bowl of Frosted Flakes?
but those ‘frosted’ flakes had started out as plain cornflakes amiright?
You made a good joke obvious. D:
And you pointed that fact out, so perhaps we’re now in the area of meta-humor. Or is it now meta-meta-humor?
Woah, I’m in the top five comments. Sweet. Also, Emotion frightens me so very much.
It apparent that Chase is only the way he is because he listens too much to Emotion. It seems that if he paid more attention to Logic, he’d be very much like Tony.
I miss Tony!
Scott, I love the style of your comics, the stories, everything! Keep up the stellar work!
don’t forget the nerf-this community, that was also one more appeal for me, I think you guys are awesome cuz you could understand good ‘ol Scott’s work and bizzareness
I’m still shocked by Nergil. I will be for ten comments more, probably.
I keep looking back at it and giggling. My co-workers have been looking at me strangely all evening… X3 also, excellent Chase head, Sir Scott
I whole heartedly concur.
What state do you live in?
I am perpetually in the state of denial (that would be Egypt :P)
Denile. It ain’t just the egyptian life.
I wish I sounded more original with it, but J hulk beat me to the punch on it.
Yay head case files! I shall sacrifice the giant bag of cheesy poofs to the awesomeness!*tips the bag over and empties it into a jumbo bowl at the altar of awesome*
“I really do love drawing the thought process of Chase’s head, almost too much”
Not as much as we enjoy reading them! Though I like the throught process of others. http://nerf-this.com/nightmarishly-fatherly/
OH MY I totally forgot about that strip! “2+2=BANANA”… Classic!
Poor Logic… He tries so hard
I love how Chase’s mind works! Or would that be how it doesn’t work…?
Wait, is it just me, or wouldn’t sprinkling cocaine into your cereal be something you’d expect Denial to, you know, deny doing? Why I don’t believe that’s Denial at all, that’s Guile impersonating Denial! WILL HIS DECEITFUL WAYS EVER END?!?!
You’d think one as dapper as Chase would know the difference between subjective and dative pronouns.
Especially the personification of his logical side.
Anyone notice the streak line’s on emotion’s shirt in the last panel marginally resemble a phallus?
Do the koalas come to chases aid? Please let the koalas come to his aid
seems scott is listening a little too much to Denial with regards to not posting in the daytime… 🙂
With all the hilarity that Scott gives us, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He wouldn’t avoid posting unless there was due cause.
Scout got posted for anybody curious. Scott also informed people on his twitter account about his tardiness.
I love Chase’s Processing Station…