Number 1 Fan
Hey guys, it’s Denis… Scott didn’t have internet tonight, so I had to post the strip for him.
Anyway, I’m sure some of you guys came to the site over the weekend? If you did, you probably saw that Scott’s sites was YET AGAIN attacked by malware. Well, rest assured Scott and I pretty much pulled an all nighter and erradicated the damn thing completely. He called me Saturday in a panic, scared that you guys where getting virus’ and that you would all hate him. I didn’t want any of that, so I stopped what I was doing and made sure that this wouldn’t happen again. Hopefully you’re computers are all safe and dandy. :]
Also, Scott did a guest strip about the whole thing over at my site, you guys should check it out, it’s pretty funny.
Awwww, that’s adorable….. and creepy.
I imagine a nice, loud “HURRRRRR” of affection coming from Rufus :3
This whole malware thing seems to keep happening. Maybe someone set up an operation like the one they did to SMBC awhile back? I’m sure you could ask Zach how to eradicate it if that’s how it’s happening. You may wanna take the steps anyway to be safe.
Last time it happened, I wasn’t aware that the malware had reached Scott’s Database.. so It was sitting there dormant for a few months. This time, I went into his mySQL files and manually deleted the script out of every single post…. it was a pain in the ass.. but I’m pretty positive we got it this time. If it happens again though, I’ll hit Zach up about it. Thanks for the heads up. Resources are always helpful.
A little Barry white and we’ll have flying Monty babies.
?As seen on the promotion for the new Motokool, one of the things did kinda look like monty with bat wings.
I smell cross over!
uh oh poor Monty…
I don’t think Monty’s real happy with this development. Lol.
PS – The guest comic is great. Your propositioning makes me giggle ever time I see it.
the last 2 panels xD Monty looks worried!
So in this strip Joenis is Monty and Scott is Rufus, right? 😉 Liked the guest strip at LAWLS, too.
Hopefully the malware stuff is at an end for the foreseeable future. The only malware I’ve gotten lately is biological… but it DID start after I visited Nerf This. Hmmm…
LMAO, yes, I agree. Scott = Rufus. XD
thats f****n teamwork!
Pfft. Dun hate ya man. Just glad you got it taken care of. Malwarebytes and some virus free Nerf This totally fix everything!
Translation: I need an adult!
You can practically FEEL the love and affection dribbling out of Rufus’s beak and onto the top of your head.
This is Romance, pure and true.
Yeah, no. I don’t hate you….THAT much… 😉
Bah! Even if my computer was a complete hussy and caught something from the site, a little work here, a little polish there and it’s cleaned up again!
I could never hate Scott!
And thank you for your hard work, Joenis!
(Jive music plays in the background)
Even though Rufus is dastardly enough to deceive a cat, this really doesn’t leave Monty with a lot of options in the foreseeable future.
Oh god, I just had a though of Rufus trying to hump Monty while he’s restrained in some sort of BDSM twisted power play… and now, for the eye bleach…
-_-; Pass the eye bleach my way when you’re done, please. Thank you.
My sisters and I do this to each other- randomly stare each other down like a creeper molester until someone laughs, or gets so uncomfortable they leave the room. Sometimes it involves the side-step into their personal bubble. I see Rufus is a master at that one 😀
Anyway it’s good all those viruses are gone. Loving how the top of my screen says ‘Nerf This-Now 100% More STD FREE!’
I’m sure if I was at the computer lab I’d be getting looks haha
I can only assume monty’s last “skeee!” Was him saying “DO NOT WANT!”
So I went over to read the Guest Strip he did for LAWLS
… someone make the “i hate scott” and an “ANYTHING :'(” shirt. I’ll buy them both o_o
I noticed what was up before getting a virus, thankfully. I was rather disappointed as I was wanting to introduce the comic to a friend and that was a really bad time to do so.
My firewall still feels it necessary to block the ad just to the left of the blog post though… are you sure you managed to clear it all out? The firewall I have doesn’t usually block ads…
made it.
days like this make me wonder why I decided to get out of bed instead of nursing my cold. Is there ever a time where someone isn’t wanting to rape Monty?
P.S. The guest comic was awesome 🙂
Alternate title for the strip: Stranger Danger!
Also, every time I read that last panel, I keep translating Monty’s “SKREEEE!” into “I NEED AN ADULT!” I think it’s the expression on his face that does it.
My antivirus got me off the page quick enough that it didn’t do anything to me, and when I went back, it didn’t trigger again. Makes me think it wasn’t in the site itself, but in an ad on rotation that was coming in intermittently.
I was wondering what was up! I kept telling myself, “Scott would never do this to me!” I would seem my faith has rewarded me once again! HUZZAH!
Both comics were great today. Hooray for friends!
So, I don’t know if i missed something, if its intentional, or if i’m just out of the loop, but where has snarky been for the last year or so?
I still think changing the name into nerf that would be sufficient to get the hackers away. In my opinion, they are all 11 to 13-years old who have nothing better to do.
Now, let me retreat into my bunker before said army comes to get me 0.0
I must say that I love you both. <3 That is all…
haha, maybe Joenis is, but I’m not worthy of that compliment by any means, but thank you 🙂
Oh please you silly man. We would have to hand-squeeze the love out of a thousand baby puppies to even begin expressing the love you deserve.
I think Rufus poo’d himself with love in that second to last panel.
that would explain the dripping heart *shudders*
That’s strange…my post from earlier didn’t show up.
Hmm. I tried to post under my new Gravatar, CaffeineAlchemist, but no such luck. Oh well.
Well lookie there. That’s kind of strange…Oh well, Kylica works. :3
For Monty to be terrified of the bird he has to be pretty creepy…
XD this is fantastic, btw!