…poor shadow guy. he has no idea about the true horrors of the Internets does he?
you might say he’s Internuts (*looks around* anyone? *…utter silence*)
I wouldn’t have thought Shadow Guy would be so hilariously out of touch. I figured he’d already be on to all the darkest trends and was just sticking with dapperness for the pastiche.
I almost died laughing… which would suck because my friend is apparently going to have coffee with you and I need to sneak into their car before they leave.
… also, should I believe someone if they say their “car alarm” is actually a crazed and rabid raccoon hiding in the trunk?
If it is false, as a true friend you should procure such a raccoon and secure it in his trunk for him. After all, why would he dissemble so to a trusted friend if he did not pine deeply for such a device? When he discovers it, he will thank you, and your friendship will be all the sweeter for years to come!
I find all the fisting references pretty funny…in that weird sortof creepy way. It’s probably because I have a friend who claims to be a super hero and his name is “Mister Fister”……he talks about fisting…alot. o_o
Then again, PETA would probably raise Cain about his circus regardless. But hell, I’d pay to watch Shadow Guy duke it out with the protesters. I’d bring popcorn, even.
Please excuse me momentarily as i apply bleach to my brain to rid myself of the idea of bears fisting one another….
even rule 34 can go too far. if one can imagine it though, one invariably will find such filth on the internet. Personally, i blame the makers of tequila and one night stands with things that should not be involved in sexual acts. damn you and your evil witches brew of evil! DAMN YOOOOOOOU!
What?! That bear has gloves on! Blatant violation of London Prize Ring rules! I demand he immediately forfeit his handkerchief as a trophy of his defeat!
I’m shocked nobody else has requested a wallpaper version of that poster! (Brick wall to fill out the image to the appropriate aspect ratio, of course)
Misspelled ‘apparently’. Other than that, EPIC CARNAGE.
Thanks for the catch! Fixed 🙂
This is probably a really inappropriate response, but…
I giggled shamelessly D:
This reply made me laugh harder than the punchline.
Sultry, dammit, sultry!
That is some advertising. XD
Eye catching to say the least.
Eye mutilating to say the most.
Hmm…Do I spy Zoey in the last panel?
Good eye!
looks like it, and is it wrong to want to see her reaction?
Only in seven states!
no, only 6 now, the arizona governer vetoed that bill
bahahaha. I lol’d at this in the middle of a completely silent open acess lab on campus.. I think people around me are staring…. O.O
They’re just jealous ‘cuz they don’t have anything to laugh at.
Hahahahaha! This is so terrible.
ahahahahaha, I love it! lol
And thus shall in the future a “bears fisting” wallpaper and t-shirt shall appear.
If you do make a t-shirt, PLEASE for the love on monty use the poster from the comic and not a hastily drawn subsitute.
Oh Scott, you always have a way of putting the scariest images in my head, and for that I thank you! Can’t wait to see what mishaps will ensue next!
Haha, I’m happy that I can whittle away at innocence (if there is any left).
Scotticus, Destroyer of Innocence! I think that should be your tagline haha
…poor shadow guy. he has no idea about the true horrors of the Internets does he?
you might say he’s Internuts (*looks around* anyone? *…utter silence*)
Indeed, I suspect he ends up back and in jail due to the Dateline show “To Catch a Predator”
Have a seat… Yes, in that chair. Have a seat.
Bahahahaha this is so inappropriate it must be Nerf This!
Wow advertising has changed… who the hell would be that pedantic to spank their wife for buying coffee?… wow
Maybe the wife bought the wrong coffee on purpose because she just likes it like that? 😉
The look on her face makes me think you are right…
Well, he’ll certainly attract a certain audience for that, but I have a feeling they’re going to feel a bit gypped. 😉
I’d say 99% of said audience would be those “craigslist people”?
I wouldn’t have thought Shadow Guy would be so hilariously out of touch. I figured he’d already be on to all the darkest trends and was just sticking with dapperness for the pastiche.
Well, he has been in jail for the last 15-20 years after all.
The truth really is he was too busy with his pimp whip to learn how to use the Internet and all of it’s terrible terrible fun.
That is a blatant lie! Lots of people know what fisticuffs is! Mainly the people that read this comic…but still!
do not insult the collective
the collective will fist your ass
I almost died laughing… which would suck because my friend is apparently going to have coffee with you and I need to sneak into their car before they leave.
… also, should I believe someone if they say their “car alarm” is actually a crazed and rabid raccoon hiding in the trunk?
If it is false, as a true friend you should procure such a raccoon and secure it in his trunk for him. After all, why would he dissemble so to a trusted friend if he did not pine deeply for such a device? When he discovers it, he will thank you, and your friendship will be all the sweeter for years to come!
i would go see this. i am ashamed v_v
I find all the fisting references pretty funny…in that weird sortof creepy way. It’s probably because I have a friend who claims to be a super hero and his name is “Mister Fister”……he talks about fisting…alot. o_o
you sir.. have a very fun friend
I know, right? He is pretty neat. XD Except when he talks about fisting bunnies. D:
I see that tag down there that says “bears fighting.” Why couldn’t he just use that?
Cuz PETA can be a b*tch about that stuff.
Then again, PETA would probably raise Cain about his circus regardless. But hell, I’d pay to watch Shadow Guy duke it out with the protesters. I’d bring popcorn, even.
And I hate popcorn.
Is…is this how Pizzly was born?
Please excuse me momentarily as i apply bleach to my brain to rid myself of the idea of bears fisting one another….
even rule 34 can go too far. if one can imagine it though, one invariably will find such filth on the internet. Personally, i blame the makers of tequila and one night stands with things that should not be involved in sexual acts. damn you and your evil witches brew of evil! DAMN YOOOOOOOU!
Ill have you know good sir a Koala is infarct not a bear, but a marsupial!
zoeys reaction@.@
Now, Zoey, I know you have a vibrator with a custom “destruction” setting. I know Chase says you treat your vagina like a circus.
So I’m telling you this for your own safety, Zoey. Just say no to bear fisting.
Hm… or would “only you can prevent bear fisting” have been more appropriate?
I see what you did there
What?! That bear has gloves on! Blatant violation of London Prize Ring rules! I demand he immediately forfeit his handkerchief as a trophy of his defeat!
Oooooooooohhh…I think my imagination just ralphed all over itself….chunky ralph too. With lucky charms and orange juice. Just saying is all. Ralphed.
As an advertiser in today’s industry… I hope to one day bring back the good ol days. ^_^
Does this mean when people google fisting your comic is going to come up?
Why my mind went straight to Clerks II, I will only know…I wish I could unsee that part! (But hilarious strip, nonetheless!)
What what in the butt.
poor Zoey. as if her life werent already traumatized enough.
By all that’s holy, someone REALLY needs to get Shadow Guy an Urban Dictionary.
i see what you did there…
I just checked this out today, first time I’ve seen the comic. I have subsequently read every strip from the beginning. LOVE IT
I’m shocked nobody else has requested a wallpaper version of that poster! (Brick wall to fill out the image to the appropriate aspect ratio, of course)
HAHAHAHA I’m gonna need a minute to catch my breath XD