New Tee in Store!
The new tee is up for pre-order, which you can find here!
I do apologize because I wanted to get a comic up for tonight, but after talking to a lot of vendors today about new products, books for getting Scout Crossing printed, plushies, etc, the time snuck up on me much faster than I thought, so please forgive me D:
There were also some kinks in the store which were worked out today, so thank you, and I’ll see everyone Monday!
BUT, before I go, I’ve been reading this comic for a while now, and I like it more and more every time he updates, his ability for line work, and expressions pretty much makes me envious.
Discussion (42) ¬
Thank you so much for making this t-shirt!!! I commented on one of your old comics asking about it and it turned out amazing. I’m ordering it now.
I will wear it with pride and copious amounts of justified violence, with my bare hands of course.
One question before I do. Are Dapper Decorum items shipped with USPS or another service?
Thank you, fine sir.
Hey Sarasti! Once the preorder quantity has been met, I’ll be using USPS.
(and justified violence is always works best on sharks)
Oh, and I should mention that the link for the other comic doesn’t work, at least for me.
it worked for me, but it takes you to ethan young’s comic Tails, and thank you for the purchase 🙂
And now, I am assured possession of one of the best shirts ever. My wardrobe is nearing perfection.
Gah!! I wants! But alas, PayPal only. And I had vowed never to use their services after that last, fateful instance….
sorry, it won’t be a while until i can have a credit card option on there, hopefully within the year. 🙁
Hopefully the shirts will still be available within a year…? :)P
That bear is the greatest picture I have ever seen.
A shirt the likes of which has never been seen. Truly a marvel rivaled by none. The builders of the Great Pyramids would never have begun their toil had they known such a spectacle would eclipse them.
This is the shirt zero. The one from which all others are derived. It is woven with particles able to travel through the very fabric of time. In fact Jesus himself once wore this same vestment.
Seriously. When will the classy boxers come out?
As soon as I can find a decent price on a vendor, I had no idea that blank undergarments are almost 3 times as much as blank tee shirts… at least decent undergarments.
Then get indecent undergarments. They’re more fun anyway ;D
Try ? I think they’re Chinese but their silk bulk boxers are still just over 27 bucks a pop. I found another site that’s 28 and another that’s 30 from Google.
at this moment, all I can say is YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At this time, I have tried to purchase this wonderful piece of apparel, but PayPal could not verify my card. Do you know of any current problem with PayPal, or is there another way I can acquire this shirt?
That t-shirt is wicked cool. 😀
Oh man. I want one SO BAD.
A pox on my depleted bank account. Maybe I can go without food for a week to get this shirt.
aawwww yisssss
Why yes, I will spend every last penny in my account for this thank you TO THE PREORDER PAGE!
I must purchase this fine chest covering and exemplify the reasoning for wearing said finery with the local wildlife.
Argh! I must apologize. Do to my have absolutely no money, I can not buy the shirt. Even if it is dapper. 🙁
Are larger men not allowed such finery? I should like to think that my size lends to my ability to kill things with my bear hands, but I can’t display such abilities prominently on my Extra, Extra large torso.
… it too much to ask for an intimidated dapper bear t-shirt? pretty please? 0n0
Damn… there is no ‘giant walrus’ size, it stops at XL…
Wait. Wait.
Did you say PLUSHIES?!
Checked out some pages of his comic, good, nice style, but not as amusing or as professional as yours. And thanks for the tee-shirts, my sister wants one now.
can’t right now, but will pre-order soon!
I’d love to get one of these fine garments, but there is no unfortunately no 3XL size for them…. yet… (If it could be a 3xL-tall it would be even better, but almost noone ever sells tall special printed shirts)
it’s a shame too. I’m 6’8″ and very thin. Nothing ever fits “quite” right.
I just started reading yesterday. I’ve caught up completely. I applaud you sir on an amazing comic. Thank you. Keep it up, sir.
Now no one will ever need to ask me why I have organs in my hands.
I nearly spit out my coffee when I read this, THANK YOU. 🙂
Scott, I was wondering, are you considering to participate in the Japan needs heroes project? You are a great artist, so it would be fun to see, and it’ll be for a good cause 🙂
I second this. =D
Hmmm, only sized for whimps who can’t kill things with their bare hands I see… no 3x for me.
oh hell yus.