Naughty Pride
I went through the archives today, and my characters have changed (this was from March) much more than I thought… this makes me realize that I need to thank everyone for sticking with me through all the changes I’ve made in the past few months, you guys are awesome 🙂
They really have changed, but it’s all in a good way. It’s amazing to see just how fast you change it though.
Thanks Andy, I hope that I can only improve with each month 🙂
Wow! And that’s fairly recently too! What’s shocking is to go WAY back. 😛
Amazing work man. I look forward to making the kind of progress you have, even since march with that link. 🙂
Thanks! I can only hopt t see improvement s with Nerf This a year from now 🙂
Plenty of people think I’m weird and they’re still nice to me. Taryn is such a liar. She’s totally weird. This should be fully embraced. =D
You are weird and thus I am shunning you. I am not even writing this comment right now. 😉
Back IRL, I kinda like the softer style the comic used to have… but, I only started reading three days ago. Do what you like, that’s the most important part. 🙂 I enjoy the story muy mucho. 🙂
Well, first, I’m more than happy that your reading and commenting, that’s awesome in itself, and thank you for saying how you feel about the style of the comic, pretty much everything I do on here is never set in stone, so I may land on an art style again over the course of time 🙂
I wouldn’t think Zoey is THAT weird, just almost too sweet for her own good 🙂
And you know, just happens to have a vagina of steel.
Now titanium vaginas… that’s terrifying.
Kind of on-subject…Is the writing on the coffee board yours?
that writing on the board is mine, sorry if it’s a bit scribbly 🙁
Haha, nooo…it’s not bad. Was actually going to say that, for a guy, your handwriting is actually pretty neat, lol.
I dunno how you are for crossovers, but they should totally be getting coffee at the Indie Bean
Nooooo! They should be getting coffee at “The Coffee Shop of DOOM!’
Yes, that’s the real name of the place. xD
Yeah, but he would have to ask Jeph Jaques to do that one, and I’m not sure how keen Jaques is on crossovers with smaller (albeit awesome) comics.
I don’t see why Jeph should have a problem with it. They both go to the same comic cons and I’m sure they’ve sat together before, heh. 😛
I have seen and talked with Jeph, who really is a nice guy, but this was slightly over a year ago at NYCCC, before I even started webcomics (which was about a week before I started Nerf This). I’m sure he has never seen or heard of any of the 3 comics I have, but still, he’s pretty much one of the leaders of this industry, and while my comics solely support me, I truly hope I can even see an inkling of his level one day.
Well, don’t tell him, but I like your comics (especially Nerf This) better than QC. Shhh! Lol.
My absolute favorite though is Girls With Slingshots. I <3 Jamie
Thank you, that really means a lot to hear, I’m sure he’ll kill me before the night is over 😉 I LOVE GWS, Danielle deserves every amount of success she has with that comic. I read it every day among the other comics I check up on 🙂
If I were to use any material from another artist, I would always ask permission, and make sure that we were on a somewhat good acquaintance level first 🙂
I am curious/nervous about where Zoey’s ideas of intimate conversation developed… and if her developmental years brought her into contact with bathroom stalls with similar ideals chiseled on the walls…
chiseled is the “nice” way of putting it 🙂
It’s like everyone lost weight!
Maybe they all have radiation poisoning?
It’s a friendly kind of poison 🙂
An ode to genitals?
that’s the goal for 2011 😉
The not-being-nice-to-weird-people thing…does that also apply to weird comics? If so, I’m out…
Or is that a weird question???
No no, completely normal question, I personally need to embrace a little weirdness, if not, then I would be dreadfully normal D:
I love finding all the other weird people out there =)
Very well said 🙂
Webcomics are CRACK for artists. Or Steroids. whatever. I mean If you ever have the time, go to, take a good HARD look at the current page, then hit the “First” Button. mind you he has been at it since he was 23, but still, his art is so much improved over the years. FOR THE BETTER. ITs one of my favorites.
that said, Scott, this is an awesome comic. I love the art (Il lumping in MotoKool and Scout crossing here as well) and its hilarious. Keep up the good work man.
He has grown A LOT, and he had determination to get better with each post, I really look up to him for that 🙂 I’m really happy that I’m one of the comics you read, that means a lot Austin, thank you 🙂
Why is lava a coffee type beverage???
I was just rambling off things that would terrible flavors and settled on that?
And yet no one’s ever survived long enough to tell us of the flavor explosion! You know, the one that comes a second before the head explosion.
I think its cool watching the art evolve into what it is in scout crossing.
It reminds me of when I started reading Questionable Content.