Mr. Bro and V-Neck
We’ll be seeing some more of Aiden soon 🙂 (she may look different-ish, still experimenting with facial expressioney things)
In hindsight, Chase is an extreme hobbyist of disguises… gallons of them. I’m trying to get Scout up soon, too, sorry for the wait 🙁
I just totes read that in a preppy surfer boy dialect of the So Cal region. Like brah……. Damn my 90s upbringing!
Like the male version of snobby teenage girl….uuughghgh, it makes the hair on the nape of my neck raise up in defiance.
I love those tattoos
Am I the only one who hopes Zoey gets paired with Chase? She’s liked him for a long time and it’d be really sweet to finally see her happy. 1-to-1 relationships are thousands of years out-of-date. A Taryn-Chase-Zoey harem where everyone’s happy. =D I’m resigned it’ll never happen.
Nah, I want Nergil to be with Zoey xD though a Neroecharen broursome would be frickin awesome.
Oh my god my ribs! *wheeze* That’s the best thing ever!!! *dies laughing*
I already want to punch Chase in the face. I guess that means he’s doing a good job.
I really wanted “LEFT” to be on his right arm and “RIGHT” to be on his left. Ah well…
My guess is Zoey won’t need any rescueing, but it will certainly be fun to watch.
I think his “RIGHT” and “LEFT” tattoos should have been on the wrong arms, would’ve been perfect.
Last panel was exactly what I needed to pick me up from a god awful shitty night.
the V-neck alone tells you how much of a d-bag he is
I feel like this is going to go badly.
Just FFFING EPIC… I want to date chase…. Oh please Oh please let this turn into a Jersey shores episode. I love you Scott you always make my day with these panels.
Ooh pretty… I havent read this comic, but i just clicked on the ad for it and i must say i really love the art… its so pretty!! I’ll be reading the archives for sure 🙂
Well if you came in for the art and go back to the oldest in the archive, you’re in for a surprise
So the legends are indeed true, they say he can hit on any woman just by being within range of their sent, the man that insinuated the VERY EXISTENCE OF ALL MAN KIND into one dirty joke, and he STILL!! Didn’t get laid. Douche Bro, the man all men despise and all women throw up a little in their mouths at the mention of. I once heard he even got the most interesting man in the world TO PUNCH HIM RIGHT IN THE FACE.
Shouldn’t it be husband, not boyfriend Scott? :p
I didn’t know they’d got married yet, though. Figured there’d be a panel for that at some point.
There was an entire story arch at Tony and Steph’s wedding. ,’:-|
They’re engaged, not married. Tony and Steph are married. Taryn’s parents are married. Chase’s dad is on wife number 12, and Nergil was engaged until he became a monster… and then she either married his best friend or her sister with the same name married his best friend, Zoey as can be seen is having relationship issues… God I know this story too well
I will pay real money for a Monty Parrot Plush!
…Or a regular Monty Plush. You should really consider selling plushies.
I cosign this!
I see Chase is a Master of Disguise, but what really matters is whether he is turtley enough for the Turtle Club.
Well he certainly knows how to act the part, good thing Zoe will almost certainly fall for it.
It would have been amusing if you had switched it so Right was on left and left was on right.
Niet. Left…and Other Left. You know, normal people tattoos for normal people being normal.
I have yet to figure out what a Hornswaggler is
Chase has really stepped up his game this time. Expanded his repertoire.