Mosaically Horrid
Well, for anyone who’s thinking, “How, that awesome picture I took of that owl in mid flight is completely showing his owl penis/flossy”. Â You have your answer here!!!
Anyways, happy I can get this story moving. Â I also want to thank people who pointed out the typos in the last post, I’m horrible at proof reading.
man…. I always hated that “doh, I’m first to comment… got nothing else to say” guy.
….but this does feel pretty alright. I can maybe get used to this. 😀
The discussion just looked sooooo, soooo empty.
That avatar picture alone makes up for everything. I almost want that framed.
First? AND the artist compliments my avatar?!? I am on a webcomic reader’s cloud nine! Wooo! Never wanna let go of this high!
*EDIT* this was not meant to sound quite as sarcastic as it does. oops
Haha, you wouldn’t think it’s that awesome if you could see me now… scribbling in my sweatpants eating a tub of apple sauce. Also watching Kung Fu Hustle (which I recommend)
it’s only the BEST movie, i recommend Shoalin Soccer, and of course Kung Pow: Enter The Fist
Man, love those movies. Just took breaking all of the bones in his body to unblock his chakras 🙂
So, “It was beauty killed the beast.”
Or maybe Taryn’s even more bad-ass than her mom.
That is something I even wonder about 🙂
I love this comic. I can’t decide if I like Chase or Nergil more so I think I’ll just have both.
Originally I was going to have Nergil killed back in the day when he was a full on baddie. Glad I kept him alive.
I’m glad you did too. He’s such a fantastic character. And such a dapper gentleman ^_^
A dapper gentleman with arguably-restrained homicidal tendencies. Also, he’s a wizard. (Pew, pew)
if any one was going to stop chase it was going to be taryn. also thank you some much for updating Scott… I needed my fix mmmm webcomics are my crack
No need to thank me! Believe me when I say thank you for reading this mess 🙂
hey this is not a mess… your comics are wonderful. i love all three of your comics and will continue to read them as long as your willing to keep drawing them
Destiny better apologize to Chase after causing all this. If Chase comes out as a bad guy in this situation I will be quite disappointed O.o
I want to be the love child of Chase and Nergil….. Such madness, much magic.
Kesesesese! Oh, ya, science can totally reattach those, Mein guter Freund.
If they can reattach fingers, they can reattach his jimmies. Science just can’t guarantee his jimmies will work the same way they used to.
Mr. Mills Moustache is especially twirly with pride
Science. It gives us virtual reality, it lets us venture into the vast unknown, and it gives us such deep understanding of how the universe works. Alas, I fear that science still may not have a way to reattach Nergil’s jimmies.The world will not be the same without it. RIP jimmies.
If not science then magic should do the trick I could imagine them going on an epic quest for the forbidden book of jimmies repair and regeneration 4th edition (feel free to steal that)
No….science will use bandages and duct tape.
remember when chase used to wear glasses? puttin that out there
If Nergil doesn’t get his penis put back on then I’m going to have to stop reading this comic. THIS IS IMPORTANT
Wait a second… I did it,… I read the whole comics to here !
… This time spend on the internet.
Glue it Nergil !
And to think, all this is because of a turf war over the rights tree house.
I wish this leave this moustache here from imgur
and this
this is truly amazing i freakin love your work scott keep it up 🙂
I hope there will be a side story where Nergil looks for ways to repair his penis.