Married Tee
While the book is going to enter the store soon, I wanted to make another tee. Not sure on a design, and I always liked the print version of this, but what do you guys think? They’ll be fitted soft shirts, too!
While the book is going to enter the store soon, I wanted to make another tee. Not sure on a design, and I always liked the print version of this, but what do you guys think? They’ll be fitted soft shirts, too!
YES! SO MUCH YES! When will it be in the store?
YEEEEEEEES. I have wanted this since you drew that part!
I would have expected it to Show Taryn’s father.
son of a bitch I want that.
I think this T-shirt would complement my flamethrower hijinx quite substantially.
Quite dapper sir, I tip my hat to you.
10/10 would buy 10!
It’s good, but I’d rather have Mr. Mills’ “Bear King” shirt
Well, i wouldn’t fisticuffs a giraffe while wearing it; but I would wear it while heavily drinking and brushing away only enough harlotty attention as to rile their escorts’ ire. I would buy this thing. Good day.
I have thrown money, credit cards, my wallet, and some heavy valuables at my monitor, yet no shirt came out. That monitor simply broke.
Does it come in speedo?
I am on a swim team.
Our uniforms suck.
I would like to know the answer to this question.
I’m getting one
10/10 would bang… uh, I mean would wear…. yup, would totally wear this…
That’s awesome! Just don’t forget to make a “Bacon and Bitches” shirt
Make the shirt and take my money sir.
I second that.
I would buy this with real money.
I’ll take two. The extra would be for after I set myself on fire putting out a water.
tis would go nicely with my “kills things with bear hand club t-shirt” I dare say using todays jargon, I believe the saying goes “Shut up and take my money”
Pretty Please! I was hopeful that I would have been able to just open the dapperdecorum and pick one up. I would like to wear it to my next marathon.
Love it, want it, must have it.