Magically Misunderstood
Hoe everyone had an awesome holiday! My dad bought be two battle axes, so I have to go chop things, like wood, sandwiches, the monster that possibly lives in my walls, and orphans.
Also looking forward to possibly one of the bloodies updates that’s coming up next. Actions scenes, GALLONS of them.
I think Nergil would be perfectly happy with one-sidedly massacring this guy until the end of time.
Immortality is no great shakes when you’re just going to spend eternity being tortured, after all.
A reminder that underneath all that edgy eldritch horror, Nergil is still, in fact, Nergil.
I am so excited to get these scenes into my eyeballs
I have a feeling that Nergil is going to make Chins regret being immortal.
Nergil would make a nightmare fueled Weta statue I think.
i wish my penis had the same ability just after an engaging session of coitus.
but I usually have to wait about 30 mins…
More of a curve for me.
After a single session I need 5 min, after the 2nd session I need twenty min after after the 3rd session I need 45 min and after the 4th session…. honestly I just take a nap at that point.
Can’t die huh ? Great, more time to make you suffer !
Waaait a minute… Don’t think it works like that. You can’t remember the people you kill… I mean, can’t kill the people you remember…
What was the pear’s name, again?
Honestly? For some reason I thought it was ‘Joshua’….. I’m not really sure.
I’ve been going with “Carl”.
Mm. I guess I can kind of see a little bit of ‘Carl’ in him, yeah.
I believe we’re going with either Chins, Blobby or just Pear-butt, at the moment. Take your pick.
Um, why does it look like Nergil is evaporating? You can see through him in places. Is he just made of dark magic right now?
so to defeat him he has to forget him?
Oh hey, I knew you were familiar from somewhere.
we meet again…
What’s Nergil saying? Just “Fuck”? Or am I missing something?