oh no, i totally missed that! possibly the cutest thing i’ve ever seen in my life, which is weird. because it’s a grown man sword fighting with dildos…somebody ELSE’s dildos
and in this moment, chases world was turned upside. What once was used to fight for the force is now used to destroy the female reproductive organs. yes chase that is a terrible place to put a light saber, I’m sure it burns when she pees lol
I just looked at my last comment, and it just occurred to me, the default picture of Monty thats next to it has the perfect expression for what i said 😀
Huh. I wouldn’t want to get close enough to ask. Besides, if they were like some of my friends, if you asked that question they’d probably spray you with lube.
And, where is everyone in this public establishment – any people drinking coffee or something in the background, making shocked faces at these people displaying porn paraphernalia for all to see?
theme reminds of a small french comics (not fun on a daily basis unfortunately) http://www.yodablog.net/?p=93
(Text 1/ Looks like this shit is The fun 2/ I saw one in Ben’s room 3/Say, how do you light it)
some more for the few who will found it amusing http://www.yodablog.net/?p=28
(Vader: the red one doesn’t look bad, what do you think of it? Emperor: well, I find it a little bit obnoxious. But, see, I’m not the one who will bear it)
Chase’s look in the final panel is remeniscient(?) of a child who’s just been told that his parents are splitting up, santa isn’t real, and that his beloved pet gold fish didn’t run away but died.
This is just getting better and better, haha. XD
hah, thank you! That means a lot to hear 🙂
Ohhhh… poor innocent Chase… it’s all about to change. xD
OH GOD, the mental images, they burn!
she could possibly say “I use this to open jars” maybe? 😉
Thanks to the Internet, that can still be taken in a horrifically wrong way…
Thanks to the internet, anything can be taken in a horrifically wrong way. Including the phrase “taken in a horrifically wrong way.”
well, it certainly gave new meaning to “there was an old lady who swallowed a horse”….damn you internet
I love how he’s fighting with them in the second panel 🙂
haha i’m happy you noticed that, i was thinking it would be fitting if they were transformers or gi-joes
oh no, i totally missed that! possibly the cutest thing i’ve ever seen in my life, which is weird. because it’s a grown man sword fighting with dildos…somebody ELSE’s dildos
and in this moment, chases world was turned upside. What once was used to fight for the force is now used to destroy the female reproductive organs. yes chase that is a terrible place to put a light saber, I’m sure it burns when she pees lol
I will say that (as I will portray this later) Zoey just likes having a lot of… toys. But well said nevertheless 🙂
great skit by the way, I’m really liking the new characters. When chase says “YEEEAAAH” all I can picture is a little kid playing with GI joes.
I just looked at my last comment, and it just occurred to me, the default picture of Monty thats next to it has the perfect expression for what i said 😀
perfect indeed
I had the same shocked and horrified expression when I read it, then I laughed so hard it woke my neighbors. PS – They weren’t happy XP
Begins to scream “I CANT READ THE SQUIGGLES” as he zooms in with hope in his eyes
LOL, teddy your to funny man.
wow you can see a little bit of chase dieing right there. poor dude, many years of therapy . george lucas must love this
This is quickly becoming my favorite ark!
chases face in the last panel priceless
You don’t put a light saber there! You’ll cut yourself!
I like how no one seems to notice or care that there are several dozen small dildos strewn about a table in a public establishment.
Jesus, does she really require that much stimulation?
I’m going to just pretend the rest of the establishment ALSO considers them tiny lightsabers, but are not as impressed as Chase.
And what would you say if you saw a dozen dildos strewn about a table in a public establishment?
“Why, pray tell, are there several dozen dildos strewn about your table in this public establishment?”
Huh. I wouldn’t want to get close enough to ask. Besides, if they were like some of my friends, if you asked that question they’d probably spray you with lube.
Oh Chase. -smacks head on table-
Lightsabers aren’t that TINY and FAT.
And, where is everyone in this public establishment – any people drinking coffee or something in the background, making shocked faces at these people displaying porn paraphernalia for all to see?
Just be glad she doesn’t carry around this bad boy.
Warning, NSFW (or anywhere else for that matter): http://bit.ly/aueVCx
Holy god. I’m pretty sure she’d need a Sherpa to carry that thing around.
Or this loveliness: http://blog.lovings.com/20090210/rave-nothing-says-love-like-a-dragon-penis/
I think you just broke my mind.
Mine broke ages ago. Nothing phases me anymore.
I’ll take the fact that you looked up “Dragon Dildos” as an example to that.
I don’t really look these things up. They just kinda find me.
you could cut someone with that and they might bleed on monthly intervals
HAHA what the hell is wrong with you people.
theme reminds of a small french comics (not fun on a daily basis unfortunately)
(Text 1/ Looks like this shit is The fun 2/ I saw one in Ben’s room 3/Say, how do you light it)
some more for the few who will found it amusing
(Vader: the red one doesn’t look bad, what do you think of it? Emperor: well, I find it a little bit obnoxious. But, see, I’m not the one who will bear it)
http://www.yodablog.net/?p=1035 (scroll down)
(Han:So? Luke:Not to be found)
(Black star plans are in a primary school in Raleigh? are you kidding?)
This is probably one of my favorites. XD I hope he let go of the “lightsabers” by now.
Chase’s look in the final panel is remeniscient(?) of a child who’s just been told that his parents are splitting up, santa isn’t real, and that his beloved pet gold fish didn’t run away but died.
was that too much?