wait… if logic and emotion are both MIA, the whose bright idea was it to declare marriage a good idea… WTF, wheres Hunger, and Libido?!? they need adult supervision!!!!!!
lol, go getter chase
Hunger Only Resides In The Stomach, And Only Concerns Himself With Matters Dealing With Food, And If Anyone Came Up With This Idea, It Was The Libido, As He Is Plotting To Secure A Reliable Source Of Sexual Access.
NO! not emotion too! Now Chase will become an emotionless and illogical robot…which makes absolutely no sense, but would probably result in the zombie apocalypse (don’t ask me how).
i disagree with you. i think they were in control of chase logic and emotion. logic kicking the bucket was of no consequence cause he was doing a lousy job. emotion dying is like to result in more random chase
Yeah. Thats basically what also happens to me. You’ve done a good job of showing what can happen to someone when something crucial and important can be said to them.
But also: You suck for making this on a friday and now I have to wait alllllll weekend to know what she says.
I would also love to have proposal yelled frantically at me in response to the cessation of all brain function resultant of the admission of my own feelings…
I love how the phrase “Processing Station” is cut off just enough to say “Processing Static” in the last panel. I have no idea if it was intentional or not, but I like what it says.
how strange is it that my mind actually does work like that? except each emotion is it’s own stick figure. and they tend to have epic battle royals to determine how i’m feeling. it was a shocking and revealing day when i first saw this.
I still don’t get why logic killed itself. How’s that logical? Does this now mean that he has no emotion? I don’t understand what’s going on in the heads of the guys in his head.
I think if you divide anything by zero you get infinity. Zero can go into anything infinite times, amiright? Also, it seems more likely that he will come back as a headless zombie and Chase will divide by zero in an attempt to scare him off.
1) I’ve always thought that about zero. If there’s nothing there, then you should be able to fit infintisimal amounts of it into any number. Except zero, because anything divided by itself is one.
2)Yeah, that does seem like something that Chase would do…
I love this oh my god its so cute/romantic/terrifying. Course I think that the boxers were just a bit better but thats becuase they are amazing. I am still waiting for the daper boxers……
Discussion (62) ¬
Holy shit Chase! You’re delirious! Isn’t there another little man somewhere in your head? lol
That was hilarious!
I can’t wait to see where you’re taking this. =]
My woman instincts tell me to panic!
PS, I like this version of this strip better. <3
wait… if logic and emotion are both MIA, the whose bright idea was it to declare marriage a good idea… WTF, wheres Hunger, and Libido?!? they need adult supervision!!!!!!
lol, go getter chase
Hunger Only Resides In The Stomach, And Only Concerns Himself With Matters Dealing With Food, And If Anyone Came Up With This Idea, It Was The Libido, As He Is Plotting To Secure A Reliable Source Of Sexual Access.
very true. but hunger is animalistic, and may also going off the old stereotype, woman = cook food = i has a happy long time
Hunger Doesn’t Care Who Makes The Food, But You May Be Right.
It may also be the
because if he had done anything but, her dad might have killed him.
Hmmm, I Think That This May End Up Killing Her Dad….. Well, Chase Killing Such A Man, Seems Impossible….
Come on emotion. Haven’t you learned anything from Logic…besides jump ship when everything goes wrong.
That is logical! What are you talking about?
I saw this and laughed my ass off. Looks like Chase bit the bullet!
Only good things can come of this.
Why do I think that now something similar is happening in Taren’s head?
Oh this is great! I love the ending! I love those guys in his head, it one of the better responses to love you / marry me thing!
NO! not emotion too! Now Chase will become an emotionless and illogical robot…which makes absolutely no sense, but would probably result in the zombie apocalypse (don’t ask me how).
i disagree with you. i think they were in control of chase logic and emotion. logic kicking the bucket was of no consequence cause he was doing a lousy job. emotion dying is like to result in more random chase
Wow, first Logic, now Emotion, poor Chase is just losing brain functions left and right… and poor Taryn looks as shell shocked as Chase did last time.
This = better version.
I have a problem with accidentally/uncontrollably skipping to the end of comics. Luckily they’re still funny.
Yeah. Thats basically what also happens to me. You’ve done a good job of showing what can happen to someone when something crucial and important can be said to them.
But also: You suck for making this on a friday and now I have to wait alllllll weekend to know what she says.
Well played, sir, Well played. Lol xD
Took the quick solution eh?
We he might just be following that old song word for word. Taryn said love, now he said marriage. Next is Monty in a baby carriage.
Aw! How romantic! Every woman dreams of having a marriage proposal yelled at her with out warning. Am I right ladies? No? Just me then. Alright.
I would also love to have proposal yelled frantically at me in response to the cessation of all brain function resultant of the admission of my own feelings…
I like that chase yelled his proposal. Classy. 🙂
That Wasn’t A Proposal, It Was A Demand, At Least, That’s How It’s Phrased. To Me Anyways.
You have chosen wisely with this strip. when in doubt sex and violence!
Love it, but i’m so quoting you on that alternate strip’s closing line!
I like the alternate strip better. 🙂 Seems more like something Chase would say. haha
The survival of emotion over logic sounds like a hell of a fun and crazy way to live a life. Also”logic-ed” should be a word now, just saiyan. 8D
; 3; Chase, that was heart-warmingly beautiful. I love your insides.
OMG flawless logic victory failed! never seen it coming. love this comic
who divided by zero?
I did! 🙂
I didn’t but I did divide by and arbitrarily small h…
those of you who took calc should be laughing now…
I love how the phrase “Processing Station” is cut off just enough to say “Processing Static” in the last panel. I have no idea if it was intentional or not, but I like what it says.
“Help Wanted- Emotions. No skills needed.”?
how strange is it that my mind actually does work like that? except each emotion is it’s own stick figure. and they tend to have epic battle royals to determine how i’m feeling. it was a shocking and revealing day when i first saw this.
… poor, poor emotion :O
I still don’t get why logic killed itself. How’s that logical? Does this now mean that he has no emotion? I don’t understand what’s going on in the heads of the guys in his head.
That is amazing.
I honestly dont know which strip i love more… the alternate or the real… both are amazing lol.
Totally The right thing to do
my brain, pretty much did the same thing when he said that. lol.
Somewhere out there, Taryn’s father’s head just exploded.
Not yet. Not until she says yes. (Or is that when he will come back as a headless zombie and force Chase to divide by zero?)
I think if you divide anything by zero you get infinity. Zero can go into anything infinite times, amiright? Also, it seems more likely that he will come back as a headless zombie and Chase will divide by zero in an attempt to scare him off.
1) I’ve always thought that about zero. If there’s nothing there, then you should be able to fit infintisimal amounts of it into any number. Except zero, because anything divided by itself is one.
2)Yeah, that does seem like something that Chase would do…
I love this oh my god its so cute/romantic/terrifying. Course I think that the boxers were just a bit better but thats becuase they are amazing. I am still waiting for the daper boxers……
Apparent “suicide” by a metaphorical figure is also metaphorical.
I love that the only Logical thing to do is shoot yourself. xD
p.s. Suicide Is Not The Answer Kiddies.
Okay, time for the overdone glasses meme.
I guess you could say his nerves are *puts on sunglasses* Shot?
*deep breath* Okay. I’m good.
This and the previous Absolutely Made My Day!
hehe, I tip my hat to you sir.
I laughed for like an hour, thanks!
Counterbomb deployed!
dude that girl is hot