Intrepidly Self Induced on March 9, 2017 Series: Nerf This In case some missed it, Scout Crossing posted last week 🙂
Fucked up. That is what the warlock has done, he has fucked up now.
only the manliest of hands can swat warlocks
This is just not his day. First he properly pisses off Nergil and now he’s got Mr. Mills about to smack the shit out of him.
…Also, based on what Mr. Mills told Taryn, he’s hit himself so hard before that he’s put himself in a coma.
“I’m in a coma again”……how badass can one character be?
Let’s find out, shall we?
Not nearly enough veins, Scott. ADD ALL OF THE VEINS! Make that hand one, big, throbbing vein that has simply absorbed all others in the vicinity.
Now we just need you to promise to upload more Scout Crossing.
“I am a god you dull creature and I will not be bullied by…”
Am I the only one that thought this? On that note, time to go watch Loki get slapped around, because hilarious.
“…..Puny god….”
Her mother is destiny right?
or was that his affair?
Only one who can KO Mr. Mills is Mr. Mills.
Needs more stache anger.
Married to Destiny, having an affair with Legendary
There is going to be nothing left of Chins after this, he will be atomized by the force of this swat!
omfg that last sentence ahahaha
I’m remembering the end of the last fight in Kung-Fu Hustle and getting a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
Chins, this is not going well for you, and I highly doubt things are going to get better now. Even assuming Mr. Mills doesn’t atomize you, I’m pretty sure Nergil isn’t finished.
Cue Godhand ending dance number.
Go get him you sexy beast.
Thus Spoke Stacheathustra.
What do you mean, again?
What’s he talking about that is the sun.
If he’s a god and Mr. Mills is about to smack him; does that mean someone should be playing Godsmack?
Does anyone else hear Chris Sabat whenever they read Mr. Mill’s dialogue? 😀