If He Had A Nickel on July 5, 2011 Series: Nerf This Part of me wants to say, “Tune in next week where Chase ends up in Oglaf!” but that would make me a liar. EDIT:(I can’t believe I misspelled “nickel”) D:
Chibi Nergil and Chase are so cute!
PS how good is Oglaf!
Oglaf is essentially occasional gems of hilariousness mixed in with lots and lots of porn.
i second that notion…I ahem..read a few.
She knows him too well…
Annnnd I think Oglaf would be oddly fitting for Chase >.>
Damnit, now I want a crossover.
Im not a creeper or anything but id like to see that pronz >.>;
I love Oglaf 😀
Crossover plz.
Wow. That’s amazing. In so many ways…
Me too. 😉
Isn’t it spelled “Nickel”? 😛
Aw 🙁 I missed the streaming! Do you ever sleep???? O_O
heh heh…nom nom nom
it reminds me of the shirt from QC: “Cogito ergo nom”
Everyone who wants to see a Chase/Oglaf crossover are seriously weirding me out.
you know what oglaf is (so i’m assuming you’ve read it), and yet you’re still weirded out by a chase crossover?
i read the first comic, and it was a guy jerking off….no thank you.
Any porn involving me would be a comedy….or a horror flick 9_9
ey mate, at least with you it wouldn’t make the world collapse in on itself…… <.<"
I love that tiny fork! As well as the tiny footy covers and the fact you kept his collar! Nergil just looks pleased as punch about this! X3 Oh god Chase/Apprentice switching! I have a feeling Chase wouldn’t last very long.
I would never stop laughing if Chase found his way into Oglaf.
Hey Uncle Crab Hands.
I want to see all the other characters in chibi form!!! CHIBIS!!!