Hey, Taryn’s other shirt sleeve is missing. In the previous (story) strips, she has an off the shoulder strap on her right arm, but not in this one! Small detail, but it immediately stood out to my OCD artist eyes. =P
Also also, Nergil is awesome and it gives me gallons upon gallons of happiness that you let him keep his mustache!
I like it without the extra sleeve as well, but was not sure if it was intentional. 🙂 And apparently that person doesn’t understand that the laws of gravity can still work in a comic.
I’ve been following your comic for a couple years now, and it has always made me laugh. Dude, this comic is amazing and every time there is a new strip the art keeps getting better and not matter how many strips you post the humor is always fresh. Just wanted to get that out there.
Love your comic, it always makes me laugh, i’m so glad it’s back to daily updates! As the grammar nazi I am, it’s “sees” not “see’s” in the third strip (i think…if I am wrong please enlighten me, i love to learn new things!)
Very good job sir, but your grammar in the third panel is incorrect – it is “sees”, not “see’s”. Other than that, you’ve done a smashing good job with your comic, and I look forward to seeing more.
Taryn is looking more and more amazing with each new strip.
lol awesome
Hey, Taryn’s other shirt sleeve is missing. In the previous (story) strips, she has an off the shoulder strap on her right arm, but not in this one! Small detail, but it immediately stood out to my OCD artist eyes. =P
Also also, Nergil is awesome and it gives me gallons upon gallons of happiness that you let him keep his mustache!
I actually made the change because I can’t describe how much I hated that sleeve… I also made this decision on tylonal pm…
Luckily bathing suits are next week, so new outfits!
I thought it was in response to the person who was complaining that the sleeve was dropping lower and lower each strip. Lol.
I like it without the extra sleeve as well, but was not sure if it was intentional. 🙂 And apparently that person doesn’t understand that the laws of gravity can still work in a comic.
I’ve been following your comic for a couple years now, and it has always made me laugh. Dude, this comic is amazing and every time there is a new strip the art keeps getting better and not matter how many strips you post the humor is always fresh. Just wanted to get that out there.
I absolutly love…LOVE…this comic sah…
…and that’s just because I get to say sah…
Her face is Beautiful in the first panel <3
don’t yell at Zoey =( she finally made a friend
Taryn’s facial expression in the first panel is the best one yet! Great work, sir!
Love your comic, it always makes me laugh, i’m so glad it’s back to daily updates! As the grammar nazi I am, it’s “sees” not “see’s” in the third strip (i think…if I am wrong please enlighten me, i love to learn new things!)
I think that was the nicest grammar-correction comment I’ve ever seen. Bravo. 🙂
^_^ I tried! I like this comic WAY too much to ever be mean about it
Thank you for the heads up, I’ll make the change later tonight 🙂
Second panel is my favorite artwork here, but it all looks great. Your art has made some amazing progress since you started, Mister Scott.
They’re not true friends unless they’ve tried to murder you a few times.
Here Here!
Keep your Freinds close…. and hug your enemys… with a little luck the restraining of the hug will avoid them being able to kill you
I not even follow the story with so much spin offs of it, please, the “mind jokes” have to end
Now that we’ve seen both Nergil and Chase dressed to swim, I am praying Jasper is the great-grandfather that died in Chase’s suit.
Laughed so hard at the last panel, my roommate probably thinks I’ve gone mental
Forgive the fanboy anxiety but… I REALLY WANT TO SEE THE NEXT STRIP! WOO!
PS. Favorite Comic on the net (I read QC, Dumbing of Age, and a handful of others)
Very good job sir, but your grammar in the third panel is incorrect – it is “sees”, not “see’s”. Other than that, you’ve done a smashing good job with your comic, and I look forward to seeing more.