Luckily when you are an abomination of lousy magic, I’m pretty sure you are mostly made out of cartilage, like a shark, but with more wizard shit inside you.
Massive rage blob seems to be working out for Nergil, at this point. However, he may want to reconsider his shape once he has murderized Chins here, rescued Chase and Taryn, and goes off to find Zoe. Though with Zoe, who knows how she would react to rage blob Nergil.
Never heard-saw clearly whether Nergil was supposed to be a White Wizard originally or not. Also, wondering if White Wizards and Dark Wizards use the same type of magic, since whatever-this-guy’s-name-is still wants Nergil to do it to him.
Bromunculus/Moustache Man/Father-in-law… You MAY want to turn around and get a good idea of just how pissed off Nergil has become and how unbelievably fucked you are at this point.
Nergil is being quite the pain in the ass isn’t he?
more like in the backside in this case…
so if Nerg-dawg kept this form… would he have 5 eye patches? or just one big patch that covers all but one?
Massive rage blob seems to be working out for Nergil, at this point. However, he may want to reconsider his shape once he has murderized Chins here, rescued Chase and Taryn, and goes off to find Zoe. Though with Zoe, who knows how she would react to rage blob Nergil.
She’d probably tell him the story of the puppy she exploded with that vibrator the one time and render him to a vegetative state.
So business as usual, then?
Arrr, tis the Iron Butt for this wretched fiend. Assuming Nergil leaves anything big enough behind.
Not again…
Making deals with dark wizards always comes back to bite you in the ass.
Because that totally worked the last time you forced a dark wizard to make you immortal. This same dark wizard, matter of fact.
I could of sworn bromunculus the father was the one who wanted to be made immortal by Nergil who was dating his daughter when he was a White Wizard.
Never heard-saw clearly whether Nergil was supposed to be a White Wizard originally or not. Also, wondering if White Wizards and Dark Wizards use the same type of magic, since whatever-this-guy’s-name-is still wants Nergil to do it to him.
Make him immortal, that is.
That’s my point. Him wanting to be made immortal worked out so well for him last time, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
I almost feel bad for him. Almost.
Moved from despair to dedicated wrath. Or arousal. It’s a toss up with this comic.
I’d say wrath, but this IS Nergil.
“Both” is likely.
Bromunculus/Moustache Man/Father-in-law… You MAY want to turn around and get a good idea of just how pissed off Nergil has become and how unbelievably fucked you are at this point.
The murder Volcano, it’s full of stabma, and when it erupts it rains the most beautiful shards of knives
“Devoured” really doesn’t make it sound like Chase and Taryn are alive anymore…
instructions unclear despair evolved to hatred
Hm…now where’d my ass go?
gorilla. like old goku.