Dude, I just think you broke some kind of record with the amount of comments for this strip. There are no words to express. All I can say is that I, a teenage New Zealander, am thoroughly impressed
Wait, what just happened here? Did the filler comics just become canon? Is Nergil really the dark and unnamed antagonist? Did I have a stroke and have since gone insane?
This was planned around the time when Chase was in the Hospital/ Young Chase story arc, which despite technical problems, was another reason I was pushing for Nergil in my fillers 🙂
Nergil’s story has been filler material for Nerf This for many, many months– hence the shocking nature of this reveal. (Check the archives! Nergil is quite the old cad.)
THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!! I love Shadow Guy – er, Nergil – that much more now. So now we have the reason for the carnival and the reason for the curse, all in one! And, I suspect, one reason he hates Chase so much is because he is inane and silly all the time without many drawbacks, like curses.
A monumental plot twist, though in retrospect I do suppose that it was a bit foreshadowed in the “filler” recently. Though I suppose it’s not filler anymore.
Don’t be ridiculous. Harry Potter was never the greatest wizard who ever lived even in his own story. He was simply the only wizard marked by fate in such a manner that he could combat the greatest modern evil.
This has just re-sparked me patiently waiting for your pervious words to come true. http://nerf-this.com/preciously-disturbing/
Repressed Rage waits longing for the day to come again
When I’d collected all the parts of my exploded brain, that was my first thought too. You know, great minds and all…
Apart from that, I have no words. My face was like O_O, and then like :D, and if you imagine those expressions on a real person, you fall right of the bottom of Uncanny Valley and into realms of pure horror. Also there are no emoticon thingies for the middle stage of brain-explosion, which is an horrific omission by interwebz culture and one which must be fixed, chop chop.
Marian’s Father: Good news, I’m going to turn you into a black whispy demon.
Nergil: Ah, and what would be the bad news, chap?
Marian’s Father: I’m giving your sight in your left eye, so you may never wear an eye patch again.
If nergil was a less hilarious fascinating character this would’ve never worked. Just… like my brain is gone, it couldn’t take the awesome-ness and it left.
Eye patches were actually worn by pirates to have one eye nearly-blind, so it would be much more sensitive to light in the dark. That made nightly plunders much easier.
I know that, but Nergil isn’t a pirate, and I always assumed he lost his eye to an unpaid concubine. Of course, it could just be that the curse gave him back his eye.
*mind has been thoroughly blown. will be staring quietly for quite a while. Until someone finds all the bits and pieces of the old mind. or buys a new one. It’ll take some time either way.*
that was quite strange, although he spoke, my head exploded when i read this. also, on an unrelated note, your username is the same as my actual nickname.
While many minds have been blown on this day, I expect more shall be blown in the future by you Scott.
Also, is anyone here a doctor? I require surgery to fix my jaw that has been dislocated and shattered on my floor from the sheer force of the dropping while reading today’s comic.
If it were to please your majesties; as of April 27, 2011 at 2:21 pm, you will find that I hypothesized that Nergal was the mysterious shadowy man… Check and mate, I believe I win the internet… http://nerf-this.com/love-at-high-five/
My jaw literally dropped. I genuinely liked Nergil until now : /
I’m curious to see how his relationship ended with her, and how he became what he is today.
I am a writer, and my maxim has always placed value on original composition. And this is original. I’ve been a fan of your work since the beginning, but always felt your work was merely on par with webcomics the internet over. Something like this however, where a storyline the reader had thoughtlessly read seamlessly integrates into the larger plot, is something spectacular. Well done.
HOW DARE YOU NOT READ THE FILLERS!!!! Those fillers were one of the best aspects of this whole comic, just beneath penis jokes and the never-ending quest for true love!!!
Well, now that we’ve got some of the filler writing in, the real question is when the random links he’s got in his posts end up becoming canonical too.
Either that, or he explains who Jasper is, or we find out that he’s somehow related to either Monty or Chase. Either way, if the chair’s involved, I quit.
Nergil! Say it ain’t so!
So, this isn’t actually as mind blowing as it might have been otherwise. I play Warhammer 40k (and grey knights to boot!) so I have learned that N,R,G, and L are not good letters to have in one name. (Seriously, first time I saw that guys name was Nergil I was all like “Woah! That’s pretty close to Nurgle.”)
holy hell of sarona’s 2 kings! this is not what i expected AT ALL. O_O BRAVO! BRAVO!! You’ve done it again my friend! i am especially in awe at this plot twist O_O and impressed as to how you merged the “filler comics” in with the main comic’s story, once again bravo!
It JUST hit me. Shadow Guy is really Nergil. Anyone else ever watch “The GRim Adventures of Billy and Mandy”? Their Nergil had similar powers (with a less dapper and awesome backstory)! IT’S A NERGIL THING! Everyone named Nergil will somehow get their hands on shadowy-magic!
Damn my need to leave for work for the next 9 hours otherwise I could express just how awesome this is! But considering I was thinking of skipping work today I would say about a hundred dollars worth of awesome! Also a pissed of boss worth of awesome!
this is by far the most ……
AWESOME and i repeat AWESOME twist to the comic i <3 this comic even more now. btw it took me quite awhile to get to the comment part i was distracted by the many comments on the way i will be going back to read the rest i just had to comment. love the comments cant wait for the next one 😀
When I first read this last night, I just sat at my computer and squeaked in utter shock for five minutes. Finally, my boyfriend came in to see what was making the noise (he thought I was deflating balloons). Well played my good man!
Scott….I have never commented before. I have followed this faithfully with every update without fail. But today…..today I just had a complete loss for words. My friend who was with me thought something bad happened to me…..You are a brilliant man, and I look forward to future updates. I wish you to bear my children.
Damnit, this is why I like maniac-humour comics; wait long enough, and it pulls and awesome plot twist like THIS out of thin air like godamn Chris Angel or some shit like that! *slow clap* Well DONE indeed!
This may very well be my first time commenting on this comic, but I’ve been reading for a long time. Holy crap, man! Caught me completely off guard. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next revelation was that Nergil and Chase are related. Also, gotta say, definitely been seeing parallels between Chase and Nergil. Both are ridiculous, both wear ocular apparel of some sort (one at a time, or two at a time), both wear some manner of facial hair, both fall for the girl of their dreams, with disapproving fathers, and both of those girls, at some time / way or another, possess “facial hair” as well. That’s not even going with their mutual connection to Monty. Pretty interesting connections there. I expect a glorious moment of catharsis, when Nergil confesses to being jeealous/hateful of the way Chase’s life is turning out, compared to his own.
I think the whole “hate” thing is more related to the approved kidnapping (?) of Monty. Just guessing, but he was probably integral to the curse or something. Unless it’s not a curse, but I’m hesitant to guess now…
all those connections are valid except I remeber seeing chase’s dad’s face in one of the earlier comics, allthough scott might have removed it like he did the comics where monty had wings.
I’ll be the first one up in arms if there’s any ‘relation’ plot here, sorry. I know it’s not my say, but that has been done to -death-. I mean, if it’s going to go to that direction we might as well just shove Shadow-Nergil somewhere and bring in Darth Vader as a replacement. Equally, I don’t see why the villain has to envy the protagonist. That’s dull too. I mean, why does a villain have to… yeah. There’s no rule saying he has to envy the heroic character, the heroic character’s life, or pretty much care either way, and as a villain he gets to be a delightful sonovva and spread death and disaster as he sees fit. He could happily under of the villain storm Tokyo. I have no clue what I’m talking about now…but still, I disagree, sir.
Also, if you were unjustly incarcerated and recorded as being a sex offender, I’m pretty sure you’d have a rather large grudge against the people or persons responsible.
And I like the idea that it’s just the random interconnectedness of events and people and Chase randomly stumbling upon Monty and yadda yadda which led to this point…. JUST LIKE REAL LIFE. Where things happening without people popping up and going “Guess what! The man who just stole your wallet! There was a mix-up at the sperm bank. He’s your father… don’t you have his eyes?”. Guess it doesn’t make for a great back story or plot, but it doesn’t fob the audience off with another ‘and it can all be explained with GENES! And long lost daddies!’ plot. Eugh.
Ermmm… someone did make a comment about Jasper = Mr Mills. And SWEET JESUS ON A JETSKI, I could back that one to be honest. I don’t think it’d be a great plot bit, or really make that much sense, but it would be a little nugget of pure awesomeness. I could see Nergil pushing Jasper over the edge into the raging mustache that we know and love today. Pretty sure that’d have to make Mr Mills magic too, but isn’t he already? :3
I agree wholly. Done to death to the point where its obvious when a writer is planning on doing it. Which is why I feel content when I thumbed back through the archives and found chase’s dad, so that eases me a bit. However scott can still do the entire sperm bank mix up thing to show that afforementioned dad is not a biological father. Still i hope scott reads these so as to maybe not do it, but I cant control what he writes and seeing his past stuff he’ll probably put a very sattifying twist on it. Whew that was alot of typing.
I definitely was seeing parallels between the story and the “filler”, as in Chase and Taryn’s get together, but I did NOT see this coming. Well done sir. I take my monocle off to you
oddly, I didnt go “omgzbbq wth?!”…I smiled knowingly with the confirmation that my theory was correct…then gasped and went omgzbbqwtf when I realized I had a theory that actually came true…a MIGHTY FINE tip of the hat to you sir! I mighty fine tip indeed! *hops on his velociraptor powered blue whale helicopter and travels off into the sunset in search of dapper finery*
Okay, I can’t read all these comments. I usually do, but DAMN! You’ve elicited over 200 of them. To be honest, I am not in the least bit surprised, an yet, I had no prior suspicions of this. You deserve all of the applause. All of them.
I puked a thunderbolt…honest! A real thunderbolt after seeing this. Not many things can make me do that. Zeus is goanna get pissed at me for stealing his glory but DANG man…wasn’t expecting this…and its not April…so how can it be a joke…….so he once had a mustache and a monocle….ya know he needs those back I mean, he aint no wizard without one. As unforgotten realms states ‘Everyone knows that wizards have monocles’
That is just amazing. Way to take an amazing and funny filler, and perfectly put it into an amazing story. This is why you are an idol for my work. Keep up the amazing work my good man!
damn…who knew the most likable crazy adventurer/wizard/dapperman was the Horror MAN…I wrote man in CAPS cause everyone knws the word MAN is the most epic word…that and icecream.
Okay, a friend mentioned Nerf-This and I decided to read it. As with everything I read I started from the beginning. I finished the comic from last night to just now. And this particular gasp educing comic strip made my day, scratch that, week, scratch that, month. Awesome tie in. Props.
I’ve sadly been away from this comic for a few weeks, and holy cow, I honestly did not see that coming! There was a point to the fillers! Well played sir, very well played.
Dooohooohooohooood! That is pretty frickin’ amazing. My mind has been blown away and I truly look forward to more plot twists! (as well as possibly some updates in scout crossing and motokool?
In retrospect, nergil being the shadow guy kinda makes sense. Looking at the strange, almost lovable sort of “evil” that Nergil has used in comparison with the fillers(?) they do act a little similarly.
_! !_
I recently discovered your webcomic a little over a week ago, and I’m already on my second complete read-through. First of all, I must say that this is one of the most entertaining, witty, and artistic comics I have ever had the pleasure to read. That being said, I feel this reveal comic is a good spot to point out a tiny OCD nitpick. When the “filler” characters of Jasper and Nergil are first introduced, isn’t it JASPER who claims to be a wizard in that very first comic, and NOT Nergil? At what point did the names/characters switch?
This is literally no kidding aside the most surprising most awesome reveal I have ever ever seen in my entire life. So much I think I may have had a tiny orgasm from the sheer mindblowedness.
…… My mind has been veritably blown, good sir. I did not expect such a seemingly trivial sequence of events between Nergil and his friends would turn out quite like this. I… I must applaud you sir, despite my entire mental faculties demanding I get some sort of payment for having my brain utterly destroyed.
Also, my first First? Lol. Unemployment has it’s benefits it seems…if you can call Firsts a benefit. 😐
I agree with your statement completely my good sir.
didn’t see that coming! >.>
Hoooly s***
Definitely did NOT see that one coming… Touche Scott, touche.
Dude, I just think you broke some kind of record with the amount of comments for this strip. There are no words to express. All I can say is that I, a teenage New Zealander, am thoroughly impressed
Also, I, a teenage American, am amazed and quite thouroughly impressed as well. Therefore you have impressed teenagers in ALL the hemispheres.
When filler becomes content! I love it.
This. So much this.
WTF?! Although, when I go back and reread the last few weeks, I can now see the similarity in the speech between the two.
Wait, what just happened here? Did the filler comics just become canon? Is Nergil really the dark and unnamed antagonist? Did I have a stroke and have since gone insane?
While I am a it, when did you think of doing this? Was this long-planned, or a recent idea? (I like it)
This was planned around the time when Chase was in the Hospital/ Young Chase story arc, which despite technical problems, was another reason I was pushing for Nergil in my fillers 🙂
You brilliant son of a *****.
yes he is and i think my mind just peed itself and squealed.
Scott, I am going to marry you.
And no, you have no say in the matter. You brilliant brilliant man.
You villain! We shall have a duel of tophattery!
OoooH! Wondermark/Nerf-this crossover comic! 😀
Not quite.
Nergil’s story has been filler material for Nerf This for many, many months– hence the shocking nature of this reveal. (Check the archives! Nergil is quite the old cad.)
THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!! I love Shadow Guy – er, Nergil – that much more now. So now we have the reason for the carnival and the reason for the curse, all in one! And, I suspect, one reason he hates Chase so much is because he is inane and silly all the time without many drawbacks, like curses.
Or because Chase reminds him of his past self
whaaaaat?! O.o
oh dear god what wizardry is this
This is made of win! Well played.
GASP! Didn’t see that coming.
hmm. Was wondering about that thread. Figured that it wasn’t *ALL* meaningless filler. 😛
Please tell me that the “Processing Station” emotions climb out out of Chase’s head and save the day…
HOLY SHIT. No seriously, I have no other response to that.
All hands on deck! Initiate “SHOCK AND AWE!”
shock and awe procedures initiated, standby for releasein T-5,4,3…
Shock and awe levels are off the charts, professor! We cannot possibly contain that much awesomeness!
alternatively, our cruisers cannot repel [shockwaves] of that magnitude!
I’m gonna have to stop lurking for this one…
WHOAH SH*T. WHOAH. SH*T. Totally didn’t see that coming. But seriously, this was a genius move, Scott. I approve 😀
This is Professor Yana/The Master levels of GASP!
YES! this, a thousand times, yes!
Also, you Read Nerf-This. 😀 this is awesome. I love finding friends in the inter-nutz.
(Austin116/Jennau116 = Austin J)
Whoa… :O
…….what just happened?!
Well played, sir.
LE GASP!!!1!
You magnificent bastard you have thoroughly(hope I spelled that right) blown my mind!
I just shit bricks… well played Scott, very well played
I must reiterate what has been said and is running through my head continuously as I read this:
I definitely did not see that one coming. You win at twists.
seriously spit out my coffee from that 😉
Can I go ahead and take 7th before 5 and 6 get here? =P
Wow. Very well done… Never saw that one coming…. Today you win the internet….
It grew all over his face and body (I’m assuming). Hence the shadowy-ness.
A monumental plot twist, though in retrospect I do suppose that it was a bit foreshadowed in the “filler” recently. Though I suppose it’s not filler anymore.
Time for a Cast roster redesign?
Holy shit! I didn’t see that one coming…
very very well played good sir.
this is how I reacted.
-Stares with jaw open.- O.o Minds are now blown….
thats what i was thinking!!!
my mind is blown wide open…. like a candy warehouse near kids with C4 explosives O.o
also is there going to be a harry potter fight soon because i thought he was the greatest whoever lived…
Don’t be ridiculous. Harry Potter was never the greatest wizard who ever lived even in his own story. He was simply the only wizard marked by fate in such a manner that he could combat the greatest modern evil.
Whaaaaaaaaat! I think my brain just collapsed on itself.
Mind = Blown
You said it all.
I may have just tinkled in my knickers.
This has just re-sparked me patiently waiting for your pervious words to come true. http://nerf-this.com/preciously-disturbing/
Repressed Rage waits longing for the day to come again
OH MY GOD. WHAT. So happy my roommates aren’t home right now because I literally just screamed that in the kitchen …. Well done!!!
OMG Scott, this is just to much of the genius stuff. OH MY GOD indeed, never saw this coming:D
This page is one big bowl full of FUCK YOU HOMESTUCK- in the ways of mindfuckery
I disagree, but that’s just me. Still… Nerf-This just became guaranteed a spot on my top 10 list for sure.
So… At one point… Shadow guy was even weirder than Chase?
I think I like him even more now. xD
(╬ ಠ益ಠ)
I feel like a 14 year old girl that just met Justin Bieber. I might just faint
Holy Crap!! O_O
Does this mean that all the Nergil pages are actually canon to the story?
I should think so…character development I would say.
Creepy isn’t it? O_O
just because of that I am going to re-read from the beginning.
Mind is officially blown. Wow. Good job!
When I’d collected all the parts of my exploded brain, that was my first thought too. You know, great minds and all…
Apart from that, I have no words. My face was like O_O, and then like :D, and if you imagine those expressions on a real person, you fall right of the bottom of Uncanny Valley and into realms of pure horror. Also there are no emoticon thingies for the middle stage of brain-explosion, which is an horrific omission by interwebz culture and one which must be fixed, chop chop.
I mean… IceeKing’s comment about how he married a chair. I fail.
silly shit just got epic.
Marian’s Father: Good news, I’m going to turn you into a black whispy demon.
Nergil: Ah, and what would be the bad news, chap?
Marian’s Father: I’m giving your sight in your left eye, so you may never wear an eye patch again.
omg HILARIOUS! that’s probably exactly how it went down too. seriously. marian’s dad knows how to hit where it hurts the most… totally unscrupulous.
Albus Dumbledore is the greatest wizard who has ever lived!!!
Oh. My. Sweet. Jebus. Clementines. Mary. Saint. Patrick. Walrus. Gawd.
But .. can you believe that there is a butter spread that isn’t really butter?
That just blindsided me, it just came out of nowhere
also my head esploded
I think i just had an orgasm
ps…what happened to Marian, then??!
There’s only one obvious answer…
Marian is Chase’s mother! :O
Which one? He has like, 200
That’s freakin awesome! lmao you managed to merge the filler with the main story. Love it!
HOLY SPIT-TAKE BATMAN! This would totally own all the season finales, if it were a network show!
OMG Nerf This is going to be a TV show! Please tell me its true
If anyone makes Nerf-This an animation…. my heart would stop from pure joy
….you have my attention good sir.
understatement of the century right there 😛
On this day, many bricks were shat
Golden bricks they were.
O.O Oh no frickin way! Best twist ever!!!
wow cant say i saw this coming keep up the good work scott
shit just got real!
This is a major wham episode if I’ve ever seen one.
Big flat what.
D= *jawdrop* And I just thought we had a witty pause in the Chase and Monty story.
This. Is. Awesome.
Changing pants.
didn’t see that coming! XD
I’m pretty sure I actually made the “:O” face when I read that xD
This is just about the greatest back-story ever.
0_0 wow… this just made my brain implode out of pure awesomeness!!! Scotticus you brilliantly crazy bastard!!! 😀
Also, now that I know his name is Nergil, Shadow Guy isn’t that scary anymore. 😛
Of course, he never was that scary to start with..
I dunno, Nergil might be a scarier name….
Are you shitting me! That’s brilliant!
Wow… Mind blown… LOL now i can picture Nergil in his Shadow Guy form going “pew pew” like he did way back in another filler.
Wait a sec… so if you’re printing a book – then what are you going to do with these fillers that aren’t really fillers anymore?
Perhaps a flashback chapter once there is more backstory! Sort of a ‘villian tell all’ or not!
If nergil was a less hilarious fascinating character this would’ve never worked. Just… like my brain is gone, it couldn’t take the awesome-ness and it left.
i love you
This is probably the greatest plot twist since Darth Vader was revealed to be the father of Luke and Leia.
until it is revealed that Nergil happens to be Chase’s long lost father.
so what does this have to do with monty?
Very surprising twist and I’m awaiting your next strip with anticipation i assume your going to expand on Nergils past and his curse no?
Never commented before, but I feel I have to now…
WOW! that just happened. that was amazing!!! best web comic ever…
PLOT TWIST! But why does Cursed Nergil have both eyes while Filler Nergil has only one?
Because Nergil never really lost an eye, he just wears an eyepatch like Chase wears monacles! =3=
Ah, I see.
Eye patches were actually worn by pirates to have one eye nearly-blind, so it would be much more sensitive to light in the dark. That made nightly plunders much easier.
I know that, but Nergil isn’t a pirate, and I always assumed he lost his eye to an unpaid concubine. Of course, it could just be that the curse gave him back his eye.
But what if sorcerers wear an eye-patch for a similar reason? Perhaps the covered eye focuses on such element which is being channeled?
I love this so much! You are a brilliant, brilliant man. Well, played. Now keep it up! 🙂
Oh my god, I cried tears of joyful glee when I saw this.
So beautiful. This, it was awesome.
Holy crap! Plot lines unfolding!
Also, did Nergil and Jasper switch names?
i remember i kept thinking “fkin Nergil, i want MOAR MONTAQUE!!”
I cnt believe it now….
ive been staring at this all day trying to comprehend
*stares quietly* *stares quietly* *stares quietly*
*mind has been thoroughly blown. will be staring quietly for quite a while. Until someone finds all the bits and pieces of the old mind. or buys a new one. It’ll take some time either way.*
This is my first time ever commenting.
I think that’s a checkmate.
All I can say is “Well played sir, well played.”
Best. Twist. EVAR!
I cant decide if this twist is better than the twist in fight club… @~@
that is a great twist by which to measure all other plot twists….
Heyheyhey HEY. NO. You do NOT talk about Fight Club. }:U
~ LoL
Also, this….
that was quite strange, although he spoke, my head exploded when i read this. also, on an unrelated note, your username is the same as my actual nickname.
Ooh! Ooh! That one! That was my reaction!
… and many minds were blown this day,
and the angels above wept so
at the cruel and utter carnage
But aww… so would that mean we’ll have no more fillers of eye-patch nergil? I’ll miss the inaneness of those strips.
I am so impressed and surprised and I love this comic!
Okay, fondness for Shadowguy just went up ten thousand percent.
*Achieved: New favorite character!*
Say whaaaaaaaat? This. Is. Awesome. Did not see this coming.
D: holy mother of chocolate fish sticks.
That is probably the best plot twist I have ever read.
/slow dramatic clapping
Well played sir…. well played
Pffffffttttt chairette?!?! Amazing. And my mind was just raped then thrown in a blender because of this twist…D: ah-may-zing
OH, MY GOSH. HOLY SHIT. Did you hear that sound? That was my mind exploding from the sheer awesome WTF of this comic.
While many minds have been blown on this day, I expect more shall be blown in the future by you Scott.
Also, is anyone here a doctor? I require surgery to fix my jaw that has been dislocated and shattered on my floor from the sheer force of the dropping while reading today’s comic.
Holy Crap! That’s like….*eye twitch*….woah.
From this day forth I SHALL RESOLVE TO BE NERGIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Insert Dramatic Chipmunk*
What a tweest!
I did that already, see my 1st post above 🙂
I really did gasp! How ever did you know?
I saw that coming actually
If it were to please your majesties; as of April 27, 2011 at 2:21 pm, you will find that I hypothesized that Nergal was the mysterious shadowy man… Check and mate, I believe I win the internet…
Oh dear god.
Scotticus! You magnificent bastard, I read your comic!
I just started cackling like a mad witch. My cats scattered, and I may never find them again! Well done, good sir!
Almost 150 replies for one good strip! Well done!
Granted, we all knew before this that Scott had all the other strippers a quiver with repressed jealousy for his skills. =P
I knew it! I knew it was Nergil! Now the question, what happened to Marian? Can’t wait for the follow up!
My jaw literally dropped. I genuinely liked Nergil until now : /
I’m curious to see how his relationship ended with her, and how he became what he is today.
Wait, I’m confused… so the cops knew internal affairs was setting them up?
ask The Leader.
I actually literally gasped.
Aw, jesus…..I REALLY did not see that one comin’! Well played Scott, well played, I’m definately enjoying this comics twists and turns.
Both hilarious and shocking, Well played old chap, well played!
Oh hell yes! That was just friggin brilliant!
Bonus points cause I’m a Pendleton to 😉
Okay. I’m back in.
this is unprecedented.
I am a writer, and my maxim has always placed value on original composition. And this is original. I’ve been a fan of your work since the beginning, but always felt your work was merely on par with webcomics the internet over. Something like this however, where a storyline the reader had thoughtlessly read seamlessly integrates into the larger plot, is something spectacular. Well done.
Lol iv been lurking reading these stips since this year started and that was top class, my god.
The woman with the eyepatch. The one he probably got cursed for.
OhmygodwhatthefuckBBQ?! I did not see the filler art and the actual story coming together like that. Ever.
I literally gasped. Air was quickly drawn into my mouth, no joke!
Whoa. Just, Whoa man. I uh…I think I might need to change into a new pair of trousers good sir because I may have just shit myself.
this is my favorite twist ever in the history of comics
That was so unexpected i actually thought it was a joke. And then came the sudden realization that this actually just happened.
THos just made my whole damn week.
This* sry.
Holy bat crap. It takes a lot to plot twist me but you good sir have succeeded.
Just did a spit-take of my coffee. So very epic, you are a credit to your art.
… I’m too stunned to make a M. Night Shyamalan reference
Alas, i as well was too stunned to make that reference.
Btw your name and gravatar have mad you my hero.
but i didn’t read half the filler comics D: D: D:
fillers, why did you to this to meeeeeee *dies*
HOW DARE YOU NOT READ THE FILLERS!!!! Those fillers were one of the best aspects of this whole comic, just beneath penis jokes and the never-ending quest for true love!!!
Well now Richard can join the rest of us as we reread the comic from the beginning.
Well, now that we’ve got some of the filler writing in, the real question is when the random links he’s got in his posts end up becoming canonical too.
Either that, or he explains who Jasper is, or we find out that he’s somehow related to either Monty or Chase. Either way, if the chair’s involved, I quit.
What’s even worse: He’s not even shadowy because of a curse. That thought just hurts.
Well… that certainly brings that together. I wonder….
I haven’t been this shocked reading nerf-this since I realised that Chase’s cardigan dream came true when Tony became his Coque.
WOAH!!!! Love those eyes.
Really? That’s all you’ve got to say about this stunning revelation?
OMG ._. this explains so much
Nergil! Say it ain’t so!
So, this isn’t actually as mind blowing as it might have been otherwise. I play Warhammer 40k (and grey knights to boot!) so I have learned that N,R,G, and L are not good letters to have in one name. (Seriously, first time I saw that guys name was Nergil I was all like “Woah! That’s pretty close to Nurgle.”)
I am still in a partial state of shock.
Next you’ll be telling me that Taryn’s father is Jasper…
Everyone’s asking what happened to Marian…… WHAT ABOUT JASPER!?!?
holy hell of sarona’s 2 kings! this is not what i expected AT ALL. O_O BRAVO! BRAVO!! You’ve done it again my friend! i am especially in awe at this plot twist O_O and impressed as to how you merged the “filler comics” in with the main comic’s story, once again bravo!
It JUST hit me. Shadow Guy is really Nergil. Anyone else ever watch “The GRim Adventures of Billy and Mandy”? Their Nergil had similar powers (with a less dapper and awesome backstory)! IT’S A NERGIL THING! Everyone named Nergil will somehow get their hands on shadowy-magic!
But … but … but …. I loved Negril!
Blew my mind, sir.
4th panel here http://nerf-this.com/01-08-10/ is my reaction, except minus the hat and add in a desk chair
Damn my need to leave for work for the next 9 hours otherwise I could express just how awesome this is! But considering I was thinking of skipping work today I would say about a hundred dollars worth of awesome! Also a pissed of boss worth of awesome!
this is by far the most ……
AWESOME and i repeat AWESOME twist to the comic i <3 this comic even more now. btw it took me quite awhile to get to the comment part i was distracted by the many comments on the way i will be going back to read the rest i just had to comment. love the comments cant wait for the next one 😀
btw this is the most coments i have seen on here many were amazed by ur awesomeness good sir i bow to you *bows*
When I first read this last night, I just sat at my computer and squeaked in utter shock for five minutes. Finally, my boyfriend came in to see what was making the noise (he thought I was deflating balloons). Well played my good man!
Scott….I have never commented before. I have followed this faithfully with every update without fail. But today…..today I just had a complete loss for words. My friend who was with me thought something bad happened to me…..You are a brilliant man, and I look forward to future updates. I wish you to bear my children.
Congratulations, you made me feel sorry for the poor sod.
I may have just piddled in my britches.
Sweet whale-juggling rhinos on flaming cheese covered Chinese dragons, Oedipus Rex, eat your heart out.
(p.s. How do you go about creating a webcomic, i have a couple of good ideas I just don’t know how to start it off)
ironicly, i when my friend posted this to my facebook wall, i had replied “GASP!” with out realizing that it was this ep.’s Titles XP
Well played, sir. Well played. Mind blown.
Damnit, this is why I like maniac-humour comics; wait long enough, and it pulls and awesome plot twist like THIS out of thin air like godamn Chris Angel or some shit like that! *slow clap* Well DONE indeed!
This may very well be my first time commenting on this comic, but I’ve been reading for a long time. Holy crap, man! Caught me completely off guard. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next revelation was that Nergil and Chase are related. Also, gotta say, definitely been seeing parallels between Chase and Nergil. Both are ridiculous, both wear ocular apparel of some sort (one at a time, or two at a time), both wear some manner of facial hair, both fall for the girl of their dreams, with disapproving fathers, and both of those girls, at some time / way or another, possess “facial hair” as well. That’s not even going with their mutual connection to Monty. Pretty interesting connections there. I expect a glorious moment of catharsis, when Nergil confesses to being jeealous/hateful of the way Chase’s life is turning out, compared to his own.
I think the whole “hate” thing is more related to the approved kidnapping (?) of Monty. Just guessing, but he was probably integral to the curse or something. Unless it’s not a curse, but I’m hesitant to guess now…
all those connections are valid except I remeber seeing chase’s dad’s face in one of the earlier comics, allthough scott might have removed it like he did the comics where monty had wings.
I’ll be the first one up in arms if there’s any ‘relation’ plot here, sorry. I know it’s not my say, but that has been done to -death-. I mean, if it’s going to go to that direction we might as well just shove Shadow-Nergil somewhere and bring in Darth Vader as a replacement. Equally, I don’t see why the villain has to envy the protagonist. That’s dull too. I mean, why does a villain have to… yeah. There’s no rule saying he has to envy the heroic character, the heroic character’s life, or pretty much care either way, and as a villain he gets to be a delightful sonovva and spread death and disaster as he sees fit. He could happily under of the villain storm Tokyo. I have no clue what I’m talking about now…but still, I disagree, sir.
Also, if you were unjustly incarcerated and recorded as being a sex offender, I’m pretty sure you’d have a rather large grudge against the people or persons responsible.
And I like the idea that it’s just the random interconnectedness of events and people and Chase randomly stumbling upon Monty and yadda yadda which led to this point…. JUST LIKE REAL LIFE. Where things happening without people popping up and going “Guess what! The man who just stole your wallet! There was a mix-up at the sperm bank. He’s your father… don’t you have his eyes?”. Guess it doesn’t make for a great back story or plot, but it doesn’t fob the audience off with another ‘and it can all be explained with GENES! And long lost daddies!’ plot. Eugh.
Ermmm… someone did make a comment about Jasper = Mr Mills. And SWEET JESUS ON A JETSKI, I could back that one to be honest. I don’t think it’d be a great plot bit, or really make that much sense, but it would be a little nugget of pure awesomeness. I could see Nergil pushing Jasper over the edge into the raging mustache that we know and love today. Pretty sure that’d have to make Mr Mills magic too, but isn’t he already? :3
* the TITLE of villain.
Missing word.
I agree wholly. Done to death to the point where its obvious when a writer is planning on doing it. Which is why I feel content when I thumbed back through the archives and found chase’s dad, so that eases me a bit. However scott can still do the entire sperm bank mix up thing to show that afforementioned dad is not a biological father. Still i hope scott reads these so as to maybe not do it, but I cant control what he writes and seeing his past stuff he’ll probably put a very sattifying twist on it. Whew that was alot of typing.
Whoah… long post…
But I totally agree. If Nergil is somehow related to Chase, I wouldn’t be a surprised as if it were Jasper, or Marian’s friend, or even Marian.
Crap,. computer wnet retarted and posted it to the wrong person. I had meant to reply to Talia’s epic post.
My amazement > 9000.
My brain just exploded. And I kinda needed it for my class tonight.
Ah well, it was totally worth it.
I dearly wish that the most epic battle that will ever take place will not involve the wizard knife…
I definitely was seeing parallels between the story and the “filler”, as in Chase and Taryn’s get together, but I did NOT see this coming. Well done sir. I take my monocle off to you
I KNEW there was gonna be a tie in at some point….
oddly, I didnt go “omgzbbq wth?!”…I smiled knowingly with the confirmation that my theory was correct…then gasped and went omgzbbqwtf when I realized I had a theory that actually came true…a MIGHTY FINE tip of the hat to you sir! I mighty fine tip indeed! *hops on his velociraptor powered blue whale helicopter and travels off into the sunset in search of dapper finery*
woah, didnt see that coming. I love plot twists and that was amazing, I dont think anyone has done that before either.
Also just realized i Havnt posted a comment on here for a very very long time.
As a quiet observer, this is my 1st posting… Holy FV(k!!!
I get goosebumps reading this panel.
and I’ve read this three times.
Okay, I can’t read all these comments. I usually do, but DAMN! You’ve elicited over 200 of them. To be honest, I am not in the least bit surprised, an yet, I had no prior suspicions of this. You deserve all of the applause. All of them.
I puked a thunderbolt…honest! A real thunderbolt after seeing this. Not many things can make me do that. Zeus is goanna get pissed at me for stealing his glory but DANG man…wasn’t expecting this…and its not April…so how can it be a joke…….so he once had a mustache and a monocle….ya know he needs those back I mean, he aint no wizard without one. As unforgotten realms states ‘Everyone knows that wizards have monocles’
oh wait!!! I thought this was just a spoof thing to be funny… because of the contrasting styles(?)…
This is canon!? WOAAHH!!! COOL!
I did NOT see this coming. But I’m so glad you took it there, Scott! :DD AAGHMAGAD now I really want to know how everything turns out with the curse…
please tell us that the “awesomeness” that you refer to is that Nerf This is going to TV!!!!
I NEVER SAW THAT! good show old boy. good show.
As they say, what a tweest.
That is just amazing. Way to take an amazing and funny filler, and perfectly put it into an amazing story. This is why you are an idol for my work. Keep up the amazing work my good man!
damn…who knew the most likable crazy adventurer/wizard/dapperman was the Horror MAN…I wrote man in CAPS cause everyone knws the word MAN is the most epic word…that and icecream.
Wait… so was the filler actually filler, or was this planned out all along? Oh my God. OH MY GOD!
*brain backfires*
250 comments?? Holy Cow! Well… it was sort of a giant thermal detonator of a plot twist. 😀
I would totally sex Nergil. I’d sex him hard.
Wow, Scott! I think you just shocked half your audience into posting. Awesome twist!
Half? PFt. I don’t think this even counts as an -eighth- of Scott’s audience!
After all, my friend, -everyone- loves the art of dapper adventuring!
Only half might have posted… but when it came to shocking us, I think he got us all…. this had more twist than the movie “Twister”
As has already been said a hundred times over… holy effin’ shit!
This is one of the most brilliant plot twists/mind-fucks I have ever seen. I may have to start wearing a hat, just so I can take it off for you.
Ok… reread the entirety of Nerf-This over…. again….. and this still blows my mind. Like kitten through a jet engine kinda blown O.o
From filler story to cross-over/story integration?
Damn, Scott, you couldn’t have knocked me down harder with a cannon.
People! Vote for Nerf This in the TopWebcomics polls.
oh snap!
Okay, a friend mentioned Nerf-This and I decided to read it. As with everything I read I started from the beginning. I finished the comic from last night to just now. And this particular gasp educing comic strip made my day, scratch that, week, scratch that, month. Awesome tie in. Props.
HOLY SHIT! I just about woke up everyone in my house because I was freaking out so bad. OH MY GOD I CAN’T BELIEVE. I can’t. Wow.
what does DAFUQ stand for?
Say it out loud. It’ll make more sense that way, esp. in context with the incredible plot twist!
Best plot twist eva, did not see that coming.
OH. MY. GOODNESS!! i am amazed. i love you 🙂
I’ve sadly been away from this comic for a few weeks, and holy cow, I honestly did not see that coming! There was a point to the fillers! Well played sir, very well played.
I reread this strip every day cause it keeps giving me chills. Seriously epic, if this reveal were a cosmic event you just made the Big Bang.
Dooohooohooohooood! That is pretty frickin’ amazing. My mind has been blown away and I truly look forward to more plot twists! (as well as possibly some updates in scout crossing and motokool?
In retrospect, nergil being the shadow guy kinda makes sense. Looking at the strange, almost lovable sort of “evil” that Nergil has used in comparison with the fillers(?) they do act a little similarly.
_! !_
A wizard did it.
Holy shittzu did not see that coming, at all, omg omg omfg this is soooo awesome!
LE GASP!!! That i didn’t saw it comming! Scott, you are a GENIUS!!
Sweet Raptor Jesus. My mind is BLOWN.
Wow, that is what a twist should be!
*gasp!* well those comics finaly make a little sense, glad theirs with the story sorta
too. fckn. epic. i think i just came.
jolly well played old chap! mind thoroughly blown
but we like Nergil….and he’s the villain?! *head ‘plode*
I recently discovered your webcomic a little over a week ago, and I’m already on my second complete read-through. First of all, I must say that this is one of the most entertaining, witty, and artistic comics I have ever had the pleasure to read. That being said, I feel this reveal comic is a good spot to point out a tiny OCD nitpick. When the “filler” characters of Jasper and Nergil are first introduced, isn’t it JASPER who claims to be a wizard in that very first comic, and NOT Nergil? At what point did the names/characters switch?
If I remember correctly, Jasper was the first to become a wizard, then Nergil followed suit, in his own murderous fashion.
HOLY CRAP! That is all
Holy fucking shit.
This is literally no kidding aside the most surprising most awesome reveal I have ever ever seen in my entire life. So much I think I may have had a tiny orgasm from the sheer mindblowedness.
Shyamalan approves!
Masterful. All this time, I just though we were watching funny filler, and the whole time it was Stealth Backstory.
Good show, I say, good show…
…. O_____________O
I’m so happy I started reading this comic a few days ago.
…… My mind has been veritably blown, good sir. I did not expect such a seemingly trivial sequence of events between Nergil and his friends would turn out quite like this. I… I must applaud you sir, despite my entire mental faculties demanding I get some sort of payment for having my brain utterly destroyed.
I applaud you. *claps*
1). I did a super spit take when I read this,even though I hadn’t drank anything. 2). I laughed from the sheer volume of the comments. *snicker*
0.o…………………………………………my mind has been blown to smitherines, nice one.
WUT. This was masterful. You are like the Steven Moffat of web comics.
I took a mouthful of something to drink just so I could do a a spit take
wait…… so that actually had to do to with the story……. DA FUQ. that is genius
Very unexpected, in a good way.
Spot on, good show and all that splendiferousness.
so our evil weird cursed black-faced carnival stranger has banged a stool somewhere in the past?
….i can never look at him the same as before lol 😀
I’m currently re-reading this awesome comic and I have to say this panel still blows my mind.
I thought it was just random! It is, in fact…not that at ALL!
Oh my god. Oh. My. god.
Haven’t seen shit this surprising since Luke found out Vader was his Father.
Why did I suddenly remember billy and Mandy?
Wow. This was brilliant. And incredibly surprising. Thank you good sir this is awesome!