Feeling Blue
Hey everyone!
Firstly, I want to say sorry for the sporadic schedule that past few weeks. I’ve been dealing with a few personal things, and I won’t lie (egads, I do hate being serious) when I say… I kind of lost myself a little, and lost track of my goals. I want to ask you all to please forgive me, I want to deliver you the best I can do, and hopefully even better as the months go by. Now, time for adventure.
Also, some people were helping me with the store, and a few things fell through the cracks. Please email if you haven’t received your order.
Scout will be updating this week, that’s a promise.
Discussion (40) ¬
Oh, and FIRST!
The human body is amazing for the sheer level of holy shit it is capable of withstanding, and in some cases becomes accustomed to.
Good luck with finding yourself, whenever i lose myself, i always go to the bar to find myself in a bottle.
It’s alright, man. Sort your stuff out then get back to us.
hey,dont worry.you arent just this wonderful comic.we all have personal problems sometimes.if you need someone to talk to, im here for ya 🙂 find me on Facebook if you feel like taking me up on that
It’s happened to the best of us Scott. Hopefully you are the better for having gone through it.
omg Zoeys FACES
Dude, we all have stuff that happens every once in a while. We cant control it. It just sucks, and i think everyone can understand if it pulls you away for a while. We are all loyal fans, and a few days away to let ya recuperate isn’t going to upset anyone. Hope everything is going great now, and you’re better now because of it. Stay strong dude, find yourself, and we’ll see you when you get back. Good luck.
Couldn’t have said it any better.
Keep at it Scott! We will still be here when you get things back on track! 😀
take your time,we will be here whene you return. Love the face of Zoey
What happened to Zoey’s mouth in the last panel?
Aww, Scott we forgive you! 😀 We all go through tough stuff. Can’t wait to see the new Scout though. Love this strip by the way! Zoey certainly is adventurously awkward. 🙂
I love zoey. She makes my day.
quick question: is this store news related to the book being shipped?
S(bleep)t happens no big deal, Zoey has such great facial expressions in this strip, and does store stuff mean the books?
It’s all good, Scott. We understand~ Heh, power drill . . .
Hope your feeling better. Love Zoey’s expressions in this, especially the last panel.
Oh Zoey 🙁
You can borrow my “drill” anyday 😀
Hey, I knew a girl who attached one to a power drill. I say “knew” because I never talked to her after sh…. never mind >.>
While I lol’d at the comic…
I’m sad.
No holiday spirit anymore…
Parties drain it right out of me…
And the only thing that could cheer me up – the book and the poster I helped you bring to fruition – has not been spotted.
Why is that, Sire Scott?
The General
Don’t want to sound like a parrot Scott, but it’s no good when someone as dapper as yourself is feeling down. All the best to you, cheers! (P.S, Zoey’s face in panel 3 is da’www worthy)
I love a girl who can take a power drill to the vagina.
Uhm … they sell those … and the saw ones as well.
you, dear sir, are incredibly high on the “husband” list. even higher if you don’t count fictional characters… sorry batman.
This is the greatest old man… ever.
I’d like to think Jack is loosely based on the old man from Twin Peaks, especially due to his comment about fire… http://reillysmethurst.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/twin_peaks-old_man.jpg?w=470&h=318
All of your comics rock! I’m sorry I have never commented before, but I definitely want you to know that all of your efforts are appreciated. Thank you!
Funny as always, but seriously, how long are they going to be dildo shopping?
The way you drew Jack, and the way he makes suggestions, just gives me the idea for a sex bar….
Hope things get better dude.
Scotticus! As always, lovin the comic, you take as much time as you need fella, don’t feel that you have to rush things on our account, get the personal side squared up and away before worrying too much about other things, else you’ll be headed for a meltdown 🙂
No worries, Scott. Even as a webcomic artist, the one thing you have to look after first is yourself and your life. Us readers can wait a few days, weeks, whatever in order for you to get your life back in order.
Zoey: Um… I wouldn’t do that if I was- oh, wait, you had that diesel thing… have fun.
I used have regular sex like you, then I took a power drill to the vagina.
Is she not happy enough with the vibrator that can etch into stone?
I am so in love with Zoey, was she raped? like maybe by her mom with a knife? I got that impression from a comic from a wile ago =^.^= the thing about “twisting the knife” reminding her of her mom
ganbatte(you can do it)! and so can zoey apparently o.0 i honestly hope you feel better though your comic helps me through my rough days ^.^
Well at least it isn’t diesel-powered.
Fuck, I really want Nergil to end up with Zoey. Despitethefactthatheissoold.