Also, I did not catch a 6 fingered Chase. And I wanted to make a princess bride joke related to that but I cannot come up with something clever enough this early in the morning.
If I could like this any more, I’d probably like it to oblivion. Even your fillers are fantastic! I just wish there were less of them. And I second Dante… Serious issues if all that is going on.
But they were LOVELY spiders! They had napkins tucked under their hideous, venom-dripping mandibles and tiny little forks & knives clutched in their huge hairy legs! And they sang a pretty song while they ate me alive! LET ME SING IT FOR YOU!! “Om nom nommy nom, we’ll eat your heart with much aplomb! Cruncy munchy nibble nibs, sucking down your tender ribs! Squishy brain meats, intestines slurp, pardon us our little burp! We’ll eat you up with tots of tater, except for bits we wrap for later!”
More like a magical underwater adventure, considering he was buried at sea…
Also, why no comic yet today? This is my favorite webcomic as of late having surpassed even Sinfest and I’ve been anxiously awaiting the next comic since Friday! :’-(
awwww poor fear being tortured by emotion and those are pretty big spiders o.o
I’d be afraid of spiders that big too!
And I totally didn’t catch the 6-fingered Chase yesterday… I guess I pay attention very well.
yeah I missed it to apparently… damn D:
I am not completely certain Emotion is still talking about spiders in the last panel.
Which explains why Fear is so Fearful-looking.
Only thing to fear is fear itself… And big spiders
and werewolves
And Spiderwolves.
and spiderfearwolves
… and werespiderwolves… of fear
Oh dear, looks like emotion has been reading too much Harry Potter (especially the Chamber of Secrets).
Also, poor fear D:
I could kill dem spyders wif meh bare HANDS!!
Also, I did not catch a 6 fingered Chase. And I wanted to make a princess bride joke related to that but I cannot come up with something clever enough this early in the morning.
Now I wish I’d noticed the 6-fingered Chase. I need to start paying more attention to detail.
If all this is going on in Chase’s head 24/7, no wonder he’s so batshit crazy O.o
And DUDE! When the heck are you gonna get back to Motokool, that thing is just getting good!
+1 for motokool; dare I say I wish more for a motokool update than a scout’s update.
please update it!!!!!!! You left me wanting more and didnt give me any. I really wish for more…. please
If I could like this any more, I’d probably like it to oblivion. Even your fillers are fantastic! I just wish there were less of them. And I second Dante… Serious issues if all that is going on.
Emotion dreams about spiders? That’s weird.
If I’d been able to comment on Chase’s six fingers, I woulda’, but my internet access is minimal.
also, totally missed the six fingers. that’s pretty hilarious.
I love these guyziz.
Hahahaha killing spiders is the closest you’ll get to irl Final Fantasy
I’m thinking ‘Tact’ needs to make an appearance and have a lil ol’ chat with ‘Emotion’. Not that it would do any good.
But I’m thinking it would be funny 😉
I now must wonder what Mr. Tact looks like… Then again it IS Chase, so probably like Mr. T or some such. 😛
But they were LOVELY spiders! They had napkins tucked under their hideous, venom-dripping mandibles and tiny little forks & knives clutched in their huge hairy legs! And they sang a pretty song while they ate me alive! LET ME SING IT FOR YOU!! “Om nom nommy nom, we’ll eat your heart with much aplomb! Cruncy munchy nibble nibs, sucking down your tender ribs! Squishy brain meats, intestines slurp, pardon us our little burp! We’ll eat you up with tots of tater, except for bits we wrap for later!”
i hate thosespiders to….and well if you haven’t heard the word osama bin laden is takeing a eternal dirt nap now!
More like a magical underwater adventure, considering he was buried at sea…
Also, why no comic yet today? This is my favorite webcomic as of late having surpassed even Sinfest and I’ve been anxiously awaiting the next comic since Friday! :’-(
So, when Chase appears to be frightened by external stimuli, this is the sort of thing he’s actually thinking of?
Makes sense.
(It took me four nights -sleeping during the day that is- but I finally am up to date with this god-awesome webcomic)
Oh fear. You so silly.