Emotionally Panicked
Chase’s emotions always excel in communication.
I did some fan art for Denis over at LAWLS (which is my way of secretly trying to destroy him), check it out if you have a spell 🙂
Chase’s emotions always excel in communication.
I did some fan art for Denis over at LAWLS (which is my way of secretly trying to destroy him), check it out if you have a spell 🙂
I love how Panic is the calm and collected one.
Amusing role reversal!
Emotion is just so emotional right now.
So i’m guessing emotion is chase’s main brain function?? Most of the others are like Tony, and like Tony, they are often ignored 😛
We found out we’re having a boy today. Going to name him Chase or Monty…jk we’re not that creepily obsessed.
Panic is the sane one?
Got some ideas to share about more inside emotion people.
Like the green lanterns, they kinda represent human drives.
red (rage), orange (avarice), yellow (fear), green (willpower), blue (hope), indigo (compassion), violet (love)
You just took that from the various types of power rings didn’t you?
Shit, don’t know why I missed the part that directly refered to the green lanterns on my first read through.
I love how station is spelled wrong, it just adds another layer of humor to the vast expanse that is Chase Conner’s brain…
You realize that “Prosseccing” is spelled wrong as well (correct spelling: “Processing”). I find it funny you single out Chase’s misspelling of “station” and leave out “processing” XD
Btw, Scott! I love your ass-hattery art for Joenis! Busy, busy boy! And I am so typically emotion…
Ah Touché…I missed that and now I feel like a fool.
this is indeed what chase is
I’m having trouble deciding if Panic being calm is a good thing or not.
I concur lol
Maybe they are having a costume party? Logic is dressed as panic, panic is dressed as emotion and emotion is dressed as… the wall?
At first I was confused about the role reversal. But then I thought about it. Have we ever seen Chase truly panic? Ever? We’ve seen him flee things. Like Geese, or chronically pregnant girlfriends. But truly, undeniably, pants-shittingly panic? I think not.
Great stuff, Scott. Do keep it up. And if I could make a request of the mighty Artist, I would plead for more Motokool. I loved the comic so damn much, it saddens me to see it idle.
http://nerf-this.com/04202009/ is one case of panic, or maybe just outright fear.
What is the real difference between the two anyway?
Agreed. Nerf This is awesome but I miss Motokool.
I just read the whole series from start to finsh today and i can say i like it alot
When Panic is the voice or reason… oi vey.
Panic is using reverse psychology in order to make everyone understand just how f-ed they are! Brilliant! Well played!
So when are little bean bag doll versions of the emotions going to be available?
Chase must have a “THE PLAN” emotion the one that comes up with all his master plans. That dresses like Hannibal “I love it when a plan comes together.”
Scott, will you ever update your cast page? Nergil now has a name! O_O He deserves to be known as such ^^
Prosseccing stashin. Took me a long time to wrap my head around that.
-or maybe Chase accidentally swallowed one of Aiden’s anti-anxiety pills from the previous comic…?
Is… isn’t panic a subset of emotion?