Easy Schmeazy
Easy, he says.
Oh, I’m drawing the next strip here 🙂
Sorry for the late post, I have been working on Destined Legends pretty heavily, so thanks for bearing with me. Â I also see that there is an error with the site as well, making the comic seem blurry (it’s supposed to be 1000px wide, but ti’s squished to 980px, trying to fix that as I post this).
Loving the build-up, but I swear to god dont pull a fast one and have them not end up together! haha
I agree. Having Nergil be the Shadow guy was clever and really hilarious, but misleading us here is not very nice…
Wow, Mr. Mills actually looks like he is feeling a bit sentimental in that last panel.
“Hmm yeah, I don’t know what you mean”
I just have to say, I absolutely love your comics. I’m completely addicted, and I would be lying if I didn’t say my day brightens up a bit when you post an update.
Glad to see the scaling issue fixed o/
Bear King T-Shirt = Goood!
HAHAHAHA My morning is now off to another good start! Your sense of humor has that vicious quirk of reality to it I love!
i just..nvm