Deviously Comatose
Here’s a semi-quick update, (and sorry for the repeating panels, I had some trouble visually on this D:) BUT, tomorrow’s post is sketched out, and it looks snazzy (like a shark with it’s wits about it).
A friend found this and showed me, so I thought I’d link it here, now let you ask you… WHICH animal are you? (hopefully it’s not a cane toad) and if you are a honey badger, I tip my hat in respect to you 😉
Thank you, I’ll have you know good sir, that because of you and that link I have been stuck reading from this sight for the past two hours. o.O
Awesome chapter, and great sequitur by the way.
Thanks to you, I want you to have this.
Damnit man, there goes 6 hours of my life reading tv tropes again XD
Honestly if it’s only six you are probably doing well. XP
No, I apologize. It was an over reaction to the three hours I spent on cracked last night.
I realize I am that person who takes things too seriously now. Sorry everyone.
It’s ok ur still awesome XD
Yelling at a comatose friend, classy.
Is it weird that I’m panicking more over the fact that Tony STILL isn’t wearing a hat, rather than being worried about Chase? =x
Buh! Chase! I weep for him. 🙁
Wolverine here. I gave the list to some friends and it took them about 5 minutes to read then they all came back unanimously saying I was a wolverine.
Also: Awwww poor Chase.
Poor Chase… shall he ever outgrow his fear of Count Chocula?
I didn’t even have to open that to know what you were talking about since I read that article last night. Love the comic. You would think that he might actually admit that it could have happened now that he has seen Count Chocula.
YES!! Chase LIVES!!
i mean, i kind of knew he would, but still! its nice to see it with my own eyes ^^
Fuckin’ Count Chocula. He owes me money.
I’m definitely a mongoose. Fuck snakes.
YUSSS CRACKED LINK. Two of my favorite things on the same site. I’m probably a tasmanian devil… What are YOU?
Also I love Taryn’s expression in the last panel.
Totally the Mongoose. They have the right idea: Fuck the Snakes! So awesome…
Tasmanian devil, just for the fact that they gave it my first name. If it weren’t for that though, I’d have to say wolverine, what with the looking harmless till you fuck with ’em.
a Wolverine with PTSD…thats a scary thought
That site doesn’t mention the less bad-ass aspect of the Tasmanian devil….
They carry the first transmittable cancer known to the world. It happens to be wiping out their adorable, maul-y species. Poor little cancerous devils.
Find the link to save the devils here:
Definitely the Pen-Tailed Tree Shrew. But I keep up my hopes to one day become a mongoose. Even in my dreams, I find myself, “fighting snakes because fuck snakes”
Scott, this strip and the one before it are some of my favorites from Nerf This.
this is great count chocula