New used workstation dialed in and I don’t have to pretend to type things on the tree bark outside anymore! So now I can go back to comics and wearing something other than underwear as I run rampant eating feral owls in the wild.
You say that as if this isn’t Nergil having a fevered dream after Chase brain-spiked him.
At least, that’s what I took from “Marian” asking for a wish and turning out to be an already-dead bear in the present as Nergil foamed at the mouth, one comic later.
I’m not sure how to read that, nor by proxy how to respond to that.
Like 3 or 4 comic strips ago, he was shown getting into a bath with Marian in the first two panels, then vigorously thrusting in a dead bear’s general direction while Chase decided not to interrupt in the last two panels, making me think this is not actually canon. ‘Course, I could be wrong.
If they be revealing this here I’m pretty sure we will be. Makes you wonder how Nergil forgot this fact… OH! OH! OH! I got this! All the old clip art comics of his origins were how he remembered it after so much time having past. But after being brained by Chase with that brick, how it all really happened is finally coming back to him. That also makes the clip art pages even funnier, cause it’s like someone trying to recreate a movie they saw years ago from memory using puppets.
Yes! Marian’s immortal! This is exactly what I asked for! Bring her, and her creepy ass father into the modern day! Oh my god her father would make such a good villain for the current arc.
Good lord, so Monty is like a hundred years old as well? I gotta say, I like this origin story a lot better. Especially as now we might get Marian in the present day, I love her so much. And also her father, I can imagine him living it up all rich like Darius from TMNT Fast Forward…. He kinda looks like him also really. Try telling me he doesn’t. :3 Also, hope Lydia will still be around.
Y’know what I wanna know? What in the world is a tiny bit of immortality. I mean ya can’t section of immortality, the word signifies never dying, how do you only get a tiny bit of never dying?
So..Nergil never wanted to run a carnival?
Learned something new.
Sort of. I kind of preferred the original start not the retcon.
You say that as if this isn’t Nergil having a fevered dream after Chase brain-spiked him.
At least, that’s what I took from “Marian” asking for a wish and turning out to be an already-dead bear in the present as Nergil foamed at the mouth, one comic later.
Well if that’s what’s happening. And I missed it. Then I retract previous statement and feel shame.
isnt this all true past before he became a dark wizard? the current time he is just in illusion he is back in time?
I’m not sure how to read that, nor by proxy how to respond to that.
Like 3 or 4 comic strips ago, he was shown getting into a bath with Marian in the first two panels, then vigorously thrusting in a dead bear’s general direction while Chase decided not to interrupt in the last two panels, making me think this is not actually canon. ‘Course, I could be wrong.
A feral Scott…I bet that looks as majestic as a dodo riding a unicorn as it’s being torn to shreds by a dragon.
Also, you fone ducked up, Nergil.
The person recieving a deed doesn’t sign…
you do when the property is cursed.
ooooh… so that’s how
Nobody wants to point out the fact that Marian is apparently immortal? So… when will we see her again? I’m guessing… soon.
If they be revealing this here I’m pretty sure we will be. Makes you wonder how Nergil forgot this fact… OH! OH! OH! I got this! All the old clip art comics of his origins were how he remembered it after so much time having past. But after being brained by Chase with that brick, how it all really happened is finally coming back to him. That also makes the clip art pages even funnier, cause it’s like someone trying to recreate a movie they saw years ago from memory using puppets.
That’s what I figured was happening, too.
Yes! Marian’s immortal! This is exactly what I asked for! Bring her, and her creepy ass father into the modern day! Oh my god her father would make such a good villain for the current arc.
Took me a second to realize that Marian didn’t have buck teeth in the first panel. Now none of you shall unsee it.
Good lord, so Monty is like a hundred years old as well? I gotta say, I like this origin story a lot better. Especially as now we might get Marian in the present day, I love her so much. And also her father, I can imagine him living it up all rich like Darius from TMNT Fast Forward…. He kinda looks like him also really. Try telling me he doesn’t. :3 Also, hope Lydia will still be around.
Y’know what I wanna know? What in the world is a tiny bit of immortality. I mean ya can’t section of immortality, the word signifies never dying, how do you only get a tiny bit of never dying?