Creepin Ain’t Easy
Almost through this story. I also am going to try a few things with art, I may simplify coloring while putting more concentration on line work and facial expressions. The realization that I’ve been getting sloppy and over looking a few things, liek the size of Taryn’s head yesterday 😉
Oh, not sure if anyone else is hopping on this wagon, but I made a Google+ account, which I’ll pretty much treat the same as the FB Nerf This page, where I post livestreams, sketches, updates to other projects, etc etc.
hhaha that’s messed up but…true 😛
i love the kid’s expression in the last panel!
With this kind of behauvior, there is no doubt of why shadow-guy gets mauled so much. Also, Stalking FTW.
Shadow-guy is stalking his PREY. if you take it out of the hunter’s context, then yeah, you sound like a creeper.
As for aforementioned “mother,” i quote Jeff Foxworthy. “Somebody slept with that WOMANNNNN?!?!?!?!??!!”
So this is the guy who initiated “your mama’s fat”?
In Soviet Russia, pretty woman stalk you.
Who says that’s ONLY in Soviet Russia? ^^
Creepin’s harder when the girl has a boyfriend three times your size. Of course Taryn has a father, and even on a normal day that trumps “Angry Boyfriend” by leaps and bounds, let alone with Mr Mills.
Think Shadowguy’s working unpowered right now, so Mr Mills is a very real concern for him, which brings me to question something. Did Nergil set up his elaborate plan to steal Monty back, and then proceed to hold the following circus in the same city? Seems like hitting the road and starting up your show in some unknown corner of the country would have been the thing to do. I mean, the entire circus set up is meant to be portable, so it’s a bit of a flaw in the plan that his ability to keep Monty is dependent on their inability to find him within the city in which they dwell, as he hands out fliers advertizing his presence and address.
Then again I guess he never was an evil mastermind was he? Think that’s half the fun really.
Poor Nergil, since he has 20/20 vision, he can’t wear a monocle…
Do the creep-AH! Do the creep-AH!
I’d hit it…. with a bat.
shadow dude is creeping more than my former roommates
Aaaaah, Nergil’s amusing. I like him. x3