Cramped Parking
When people ask me the things that were embarrassing to me, I tell them about how my dad bought me condoms when I was 13. I would have escaped the situation immediately, but that would have also meant jumping from a moving vehicle going 80. (I tried to find a relevant picture to describe this, but proved fruitless. Here is this, instead).
Destiny is a trip..It’s no wonder she loves Chase..they already act like they’re related.
On the bright side, I’m sure the birth was easy.
Oh God, the imagery.
Housten, we have a problem XD
Best use of imagery ever!
no wonder she’s always smiling. must be the most satisfied woman……….ever
she got it so good that that the orgasm lasted forever…it was hard to adust.
I just love how smug Taryn’s mom look in the last panel.
My poor daughter had a similar experience with her mom….. I love the way Mr. Mills is all puffed and boiling!
Hey Scott, not to do with this particular comic, but what ever happened to that comic you were gonna make with the Dapper Skeleton guy and Winifred Hornswaggle? Or whatever her name was. I was really looking forward to that.
Taryn’s face looks very much like chase in the last panel…
Love the veiny moustache!! 😀
Destiny’s really reminding me of Ichimaru Gin with the eyes always closed and constant smiling. It’s getting creepy!
Loving this web comic keep up the good work
What would happen if Destiny opened her eyes D:
We’ve seen it…badass shit tends to go down.
just wrong i just…wow
The true essence of manly.
so the love gloves had to come off?
(there’s another way to spell “come”…I have s a excuse it’s called 30+ hours)