Colorfully Painful
One time I puked rainbows as well. My great dane had a collision with my groin, which possibly looked like this.
PS: I found my spirit animal… apparently it’s a boat.
PPS: I’m reworking the story of Scout (for the better) so a page will be up soon.
PPPSNCEWLKC: Denis and I stripped my sites like the hussies they are and reuploaded them, so AVG should love them again.
Hi! I’m not seeing a comic here. Was that intentional or is this a problem for my iPad? Thanks! Keep up the great work!
And now I see it. Nevermind. 🙂
Yay funny bit i was just reading the last comic to catch up when i noticed the update on fb so WOot
(Taryn, your sympathy for your mother’s pet is lovely… Now perhaps you’d like to focus on the part where it just tried to kill your lover, your mother is trying to kill your lover, your lover is trying to kill your mother, your mother tried to kill monty who is now probably trying to kill your mother, and all the attempted murdering that’s going on. You know, before someone dies or something crazy like that.)
She’s supposed to trust Destiny to stop when she says so, and Chase to not just go around her, and Monty to… “return to normal,” with no weapon of her own just in case one of the above doesn’t come to pass?
Speaking of which, has Zoey pulled that sword from Nergil’s stones yet?
wait, you’re changing scout? why?
Taryn didn’t know Chase would act like this? Is she for real? She’s blaming him? Up to now I liked her. Talk about misplaced blame. I guess she would have preferred to see Chase get slaughtered than see him ‘act like this’. Human or monster in human form, Chase did not initiate the violence here.
You realize that she’s referring to the fact that she didn’t know Chase would act like this about her mother. She had no idea that Chase would go berserk.
To be fair her mother did stab his little monster friend first.
And beat up Mills. And tried to murder Chase.
Destiny needs to be kicked in the throat.
I’ll grant no one guessed he would go ‘scree’ and not just go berserk but be quite this powerful. That is not however what she did. Chase did not act like this about her mother, he acted like this against someone trying to murder him and who also murdered Monty (he thought). To say he did this against Taryn’s mother Destiny is to remove all context. Moreover what Taryn did was apologize for Chase’s actions. The apologies are owed by Destiny and Snarky, not owed to them.
1) To be fair, he took a mite longer to actually ‘act like this’ with Nergil, which is saying something, since Nergil thus far has had him the closest to death that we’ve seen him.
2) The last time he acted like this was in a similar situation, and still he didn’t go for the OneHitK.O… which, given that his opponent at the time didn’t have obvious genitalia to target, does make a lick of sense.
3) Either way it goes, Snarky is (possibly) to her what Monty is to Chase, and Chase probably wouldn’t tell Monty to ‘apologize’ after taking a NutBuster from Taryn, or anyone for that matter.
That said, Taryn probably also didn’t expect her mother to try and sic Snarky on Chase, or that Snarky would be this ineffective. Thus, blame is a game that has no place here.
To point 1 I’d say it was a shorter time. His berserk button is harm to Monty, not to himself. The moment Monty was hurt by Nergil he went berserk, while he took a minute this time.
To point 2 he did go for a one-hit kill. He split Nergil in two right across his waist / stomach as his first attack. How is that not an attempt at a one hit kill?
To point 3 I’ll give that to you. I’m being too harsh on Taryn she is probably in shock over the whole situation.
Meant the part where he’d “known” Nergil for a while longer and that he didn’t get nearly as aggressive when Nergil just ‘took’ Monty (though admittedly, taking and attacking are two different things), while he hasn’t known Destiny as long (though that said, she immediately threatens Monty upon figuring out what he was); given, though, both times either of them injured Monty, it was by accident.
And meant ‘OneHitK.O’ as in immediately going for the GroinShot (and given that WormNergil didn’t have an obvious groin, it makes sense that he didn’t), which is generally meant to maim, not kill. Understandably, he was out for blood back then, and possibly held back at least that much for Snarky.
You know,this may be the first and last time where I find a puking monster kinda adorable. I think its because of the puke.
I would have thought the dog hitting your nards would look more like this:
If your changing the story of Scout could you tell us what the originally planned story was?
Why does Nerf This link to itself in the top right instead of Motokool anymore? O.o Also, the STORE link is still broken.
P.S.O: “Nice Boat.”
Taste the rainbow!
Though I can’t imagine it tastes as good coming back up as it did going down.
why change scout? It’s been really good…
Just wanted to mention, my wife told me two female coworkers are being cold to her today. One is a bit chunky, so my reply to her when she texted me the update was “Bitches and Bacon.” Love the comic!
Take your time with Scout, I’d rather have a good story than a prompt one.
And in the meantime I’m a hell of a lot more interested in finding out what the actual bacon wrapped fuck is going on with Chase.
Repressed Rage has eliminated all contenders.
All of them.
Alas, poor Yorik’s nads, we knew thee well.
On a brighter note….. actually the monster hurk is the brightest note in the comic.