Charmingly Hissy
The comic is back, sorry for the downtime, there was a plugin that basically made my database freak out and basically this happened. Luckily we found an answer to to restoring the site and forever avoiding further unicorn induced vomiting 🙂
Yesss! You’re back! We thought you exploded!
I didn’t, just most of my organs when I found out GoDaddy took my site down because of a database issue. I’m sure I’m down to just some intestines and possibly half a kidney.
Half a kidney is better than none!
If you get the half carrying blood rather than piss.
Yay! You’re back! Patience and following you on facebook panned out!
So I know I bought a book back in the funding days, is there a way to double check on my end?
le audible gasp!!!
hooray all the comic goodness is back
Well, let’s settle for sincere. A hissy fit can be a good fit, too.
Yay! New page! And it looks like Nergil found a new punch line.
Nice! I love the way some “people” have to listen in on other’s conversations then have the audacity to interrupt so they can interject their point of view. (sort of like internet trolls) He should give that woman a puppy just like the one he threw at Destiny!
Heh, Kinda like when a none smoker walks up to then coughs in a smokers face being D bags. I’d be the guy that walks up to the guy coughing and verty irately point out how his coughing is disturbing me.
Don’t smoke personally but everyone has the right to not have to deal with people trying to push their crud onto others. 🙂
Do we get updates for those of us who pre-ordered the book? I recall a request for emails if our addresses changed and I sent one but never received a confirmation.
After going back a couple of pages and reading them again I noticed her shirt morphs from a square shaped neckline to a v-neck sort of shape…
I’ve moved about 5 times since I backed the book. I hope that the addresses are confirmed before shipping. I can’t wait to see it!
*Sends last panel to the femnazis, People Eating Tasty Animals, and Lil Kimmy.
Haha Zoey’s eyes in the second panel combined with using her head as an armrest made laugh out loud.
Well… at least he was sincere.
Naaaaailed it.
I’ll just leave this here.
…holy shit, Nergil.
Found two of his bears: