Cauldron of Love
I was hoping to have Chase and everyone up today, but Scout Crossing completely dominated my weekend, which is happily updated 🙂
Good news in other worldly things, I’ve decided to self publish the upcoming Nerf This books.  This decision isn’t easy, but more ore less, I’ll be able to make the book exactly the way I want, and I believe the final result will be something you all like (I hope).  The books are now going to be 8.5 x 8.5 square, I added a bunch of bonus stuff, AND I also wrote commentary on almost every page, describing scenarios, inspirations, the time I found a chicken and named her Hussy… you know, normal things 😉
Anyways, sorry about the filler since I just had one last week, but normal updates resume tomorrow, and thank you for reading, you guys are awesome.
WILL NERGAL EVER FIND HIS TRUE LOVE?! In other news, my last sentence would have been perfect for an interrobang. Why is it not on my keyboard?
Seriously, dude. The fillers alone are good enough to base an entire comic around them. Why apologise for your supreme awesomeness when other artists would simply skip a day with no filler or even an explanation? You, sir, raise the bar for web comics.
By the way, did Marian grow that herself or did she steal one from Nergil’s collection?
She clearly ordered it from the same supplier as Chase.
nergil! TURN AROUND!
usual things, perhaps. i doubt they can properly be called “normal”
I feel like a small child waiting for its first Christmas when it comes to your book. Do you have an expected release or even pre order date yet?
Always a pleasure to have Nergil’s shenanigans to start the day!
Don’t be so hard on yourself, Scotticus! Your fillers aren’t just fillers, they’re fillers with a fine sense of dappery!
Also, what’s up with the background of panel 2?
Aye, the fillers be as good as the strip itself. And not knowing which it will be when I show up makes things fun.
even if it is a filler it is awesome, but was wondering if it was a typo in the first talk bubble.
“Nergil, have you even been married?” just sounds like that “even” should be a “ever”.
Simple way to test whether or not someone is a witch: simply put them on a scale and compare their weight to that of a duck…thank you Monty Python 🙂
you won’t get any argument from me there 🙂
She turned me into a NEWT!! … well I got better…
Haha, married a chair… I hope that you’ll be putting these fillers in your book as well! 🙂
Speaking of which; will self-publishing allow you to have international shipping? I live in Malaysia, but I’d love to support your continued work!
I vote we should have a filler tommorow as well. It would go like this.
Nergil turns around. They stare each other in the eye. Music starts playing in the background. Then nergil runs past her and hugs a chair.
And you see, this is why “Nergil’s Accounts of Tastefully Temerarious Yarns” needs to be its own side comic. “NATTY” for short. A fitting acronym, no?
Love mother like son.
I love Marian’s reasoning for why she is *not* a witch! I know you just came out with the “I Kill Things With My Bare Hands Club” shirt, but I think a shirt centered around Marian’s wisdom would be epic for the ladies. 🙂
I’m sure you’ll have fun publishing your book! =)