Watching me try to remember how to spell homunculus was like watching a cat eating grass, or worse. In case you missed it last week, I updated Dapper Finery!
Watching me try to remember how to spell homunculus was like watching a cat eating grass, or worse. In case you missed it last week, I updated Dapper Finery!
The Big Bad Wolf
Scott as usual your comics cause me to get all sorts of strange looks from the people around me when I burst out into uncontrollable laughter. Keep it up.
I thought it would take Zoey forever to get into Nergil’s pants.
Aww… I just caught up.
Well, Archive Binge completed, I can’t believe I didn’t start reading this earlier.
I guess Nergil got some head from Zoey, if you know what i mean.
So now Zoey’s body has bandaged head for a head.
Oh come now, Nergil. We all know weird for you two is normal for the rest of civilization and besides things couldn’t possibly get more awkward with Zoey now. *cue increased awkwardness*
Well, now we wait for Zoey’s body to come following. Taking bets on the look on her new face!!!!!
Nergil’s pants are like a bag of holding.
Infinite and horrifying, very astute observation.
so she finally got into his pants…
When I imagine Zoey finally getting into Nergil’s pants, I thought it would be weirder. Like three platypuses, eight bananas, some of Zoey’s toys, and a magical talking clam sandwich weird. Come’on Scott. You gotta up the weirdness even more. If I’m not recoiling in horrid fascination, but instead mild wtf-ness, it’s gonna be awkward for everybody.
THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED, PEOPLE. You kept begging and pleading to see Zoey in Nergil’s pants.
I hope you’re all proud of yourselves. You did this.
This isn’t weird, Nergil, weird will be when you need to go to the restroom.
Oh man. I couldn’t stop laughing at Nergil’s eyes, LOL
Quick question, is Nergil always going to be in this form? Will we see him as a human again?
Glad you liked it! And yes, il flip flop his forms depending on the situation, such as lovecraftian monsters to a possible formal setting (like a potential date with Zoey? Maybe?? Depends how many spiders on my wall I yell at that day, and the amount of coffee I chug) 🙂
Zoey really seems like she’d prefer the Eldritch Warlock form…
I suspect that if Nergil will want to court Zoey now, it will just be his crotch talking. With a stitched-up tongue, most likely.
Meanwhile in the other room, Zoey’s body is curling up into a ball.
That’s only fair considering Nergil’s balls are curling up into a Zoey.
So….. Either he magically stuffed Zoey down his pants like a kangaroo to carry her to safety…..
Or…. Zoey’s head is attached to his groin. Which, potentially, means that attached to Zoey’s neck is now…..
Something HILARIOUS. :3D
Well yeah, thighs are thigh-slappingly hilarious.
Just one more inch and we’d be able to figure out whether Zoey is sporting a smile or a beard.
them big bug eyes in panel 1 roflmao. I read this as I was having a conversation with a girl I like… then had to explain why i was laughing…. which meant explaining what was in the last panel…. why does the universe do this shit to me?