Absence Of My Unmentionables
My lappy is dead unfortunately, so until I get the thing repaired, there is little I can do on the matter, the good news is that I was able to get all my art files transferred onto my spare desktop, so I’m sorry if the art looks a little different, I’m still getting adjusted 🙂
You just haaaad to shank its technological ass. I was hoping an adequate threat would suffice.
No worries, the art looks phenomenal as usual. Much better than the workings of my webcomic ;D
I would say I took a wrong turn when I tried to reinstall Windows, that was apparently the same as if I were to eat a poison dart frog 😉 Miss Slyraith, I had no idea you had a webcomic, may I ask what it is? (sits and waits ponderously patient) 🙂
Ooh…those poison dart frogs are tricky devils, upposed to windows which is supposedly the devil itself (or so I hear).
Heh, technically the webcomic is a pre-web stage. It’s called Good Intentions, (however we might throw a “Mostly” or “Almost” in front of that last second)…My cowriter and I are currently working on setting up the website (He claims that it is very tricky)…Thus I’ve been working on the first arc of the story. 😀 We are quite new and foolish to this feild.
Thank you for asking 😀
Starting a webcomic is a lot of fun, and the feedabck is immensely inspiring, I still don’t know much about the website part of it, and I’m fairly new myself, I’ve only been doing this for a little over a year now. I wouldn’t take back that year for anything though, when you do start publishing your comic, I would LOVE to see it 🙂
I love Windows 7, but the more I see the pain it causes me, the more I wish I had a Mac.
We will link you to it eventually for sure. We are both fans of your work.
Though I must say that I am terribly jealous of you and your trendy Windows 7… I still have Vista, and it seems to be out for my death. xD
Well… the lappy had Win7, my desktop has XP (which is still nicer than Vista… I used Vista for over a year, I think I stubbed my toe on something everyday because of Vista…
And I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with, I’m looking forward to it 🙂
NOOOO… What’s gonna happen now? Is there any chance of your laptop ever getting fixed?
Does it feel like you’re missing something now? Like you’re missing an arm? Or forgot to dress yourself and now you’re walking around in just your underwear and wondering why everyone is looking at you weird?
Hmm awkward…
Anyways… I hope things turn out ok for Howard and Mabel =(
I loved that damn lappy, It’s even weird typing on this other keyboard (I feel like I’m hammering in nails I type so hard!) I’ll find out next week if I’ll be able to fix it, we’ll see 🙂
…I wonder if I make my laptop breakfast it will come around (not awkward at all;)
Howard’s gonna end up as a belt, isn’t he?
a very, very colorful belt.
He’s a fashionable snake after all 😉
I think he should bite him in the face.
I’m not even sure what kind of snake Howard is, I really wanted to make him a cobra, but I really (at the same time) didn’t want to draw a cobra, I would most likely futz up the hood. Maybe a copperhead?
Maybe. Besides, it would’ve been hard to draw a bow tie on a cobra.
Howard’s baby pictures?
M… you are astoundingly awesome 🙂
Why thank you. 😀
Also, my name is Monica.
Awesome, and Monica it is (even though M was slightly mysterious haha, made me feel “spy-ey”
Well, rest assured that despite you knowing my name, I will always be shrouded in mystery. 😉
If Howard dies can Monty have his bow tie?
Shouldn’t it be “make A statement”? Also I feel your pain, I tripped and broke my lappy and I’ve been using my spare desktop and I hate it so much. I hope yours gets better soon though.
I fixed that little diddy, and thank you for letting me know 🙂 I HATE working on this desktop compared to my lappy too!
Sorry about your laptop 🙁 What kind of virus protection do you have on it?
I have found out yesterday, that it’s the hard drive, so that thing is gone and replaced, and all I have to do is just wait for the restore discs to get here 🙂