A Valid Rebuttal
In case some forgot 🙂
Many of you saw my inexperience shine brighter than ever before last week, and THAT was me completely forgetting to draw Zoey in her casts… this resulted in me thinking about what could have happened to Zoey during the dramatic fight of Mr. Mills and Shadow Guy.
Now this properly marks the end of the story, new NEW story starts tomorrow!
Best continuity error. Ever.
I literally realized the error when I was laying in bed, so my face literally looked like D:
I do that face in bed too.
But for other reasons usually…
Poor guy just wanted to give her skittles…
I’m sure he never had the best sales pitch.
He probably just needed practice, but every time he tried, this happened!
poor bastard didnt stand a chance….
Oh…. Em…. Gee…. I want to have Zoey’s children. She is my favoritest character evar. EVAR!
And, wow for two potential additions to my webcomic adiction: Spinerette and Aeria. If those are the newish ads that you were talking about a couple weeks or whatever ago… sweet. 😉
Which sucks, since I’m catching up on Bad Guy High which I found through CrossoverKill because of Sparkling Generation Yuuki. x.x Webcomic overload!! lol, better than being short on webcomics, I suppose.
oh my god Yuuki’s still going?
If Yuuki wasn’t still going, I’d probably be horribly sad face. She (?) is updating slightly more frequently than it used to (I think two eddas this year?) But… omwtfzorspwn! Awesomeness is all those updates contain. 😉 I measured; precisely one jot less awesomeness in her most recent Edda than in this strip… soooo, pretty nearly infinite awesome. 😉
Far too many people ask question-ey questions.
yay, new chapter. How will we continue without monty though?
Lulz. That is a pretty good resolution to the disappearance. Well played sir. 😀
I gotta say, tis a good thing it was a small-ish wedding. the collateral damage, could have been MUCH larger.
Continuity error? Don’t you mean “well thought out plot point full twists, secrets and absolutely no loopholes”?
just smile and nod ok!!
I LOVE HER!!!! i want, like, a miniature pocket sized version that i can pet! and she can be my squishy and i will call her squishy, and she will be minnnne!
and did free skittles die?
If this comic gets the point where I can do actual models of my characters, you’ll be the 1st to know 🙂
bad squishy (couldn’t resist)
nice 😉
That was pretty confusing, seeing as how we didnt see it
bwahahahahaha XD Free Skittles had it coming
The arrow is pointed down, so at least we know he was NOT suplexed into the wall.
But the forensic evidence leads me to believe she did a reverse full-nelson into a spinning Hyakuretsu Harite and then dropping it down into full gear with a resounding 64-hit combo. Hmmm, and it appears someone brought a cat to the fight…
0.o i know one thing for sure: i will NOT piss her offXP