11 13 09
A new character?!?1! Yes, it would appear so (for now) but is she friend or foe, does she play for the good guys or that bad crowd (the cool guys at the end of the hall who look at you and smile… and you have no idea why) I say that last part only because some creepy guy in a camo hat looked a little too long at me today getting a cup of coffee, maybe he thought “Now that guy has been places”. (i doubt that though). 😉 I did promise a wallpaper, but its only 1/2 way finished, look for it Monday.
1)That guy was probably just a reformed cannibals who’s getting tired of eating soup and sourdough rolls and thought you looked good enough to eat. 2)Wren? Baby seals? I smell hippie, or maybe it’s just vegetarian…3)I do my interneting on my ipod (my computer sucks) and your journaling or whatever underneath your strips keeps overrunning the alotted white speech bubble and overlapping other text. I don’t mind. I just figured you wouldn’t know about it.
this was a last second decision of mine to try this arc, the humor may get a bit vile too. I also do say I’m sorry about my comic not being iPod friendly Miss Oblivion 😉
I hope she says a combination of the two.
i’m sure she’s like that with all the boys 😀
wasn’t chase supposed to have a girlfriend?
Chase does have a girlfriend, and things may get a bit hairy in the “Nerf-i-verse” quite soon 🙂
Did this get changed? I’m sure it didn’t end like this the last time I read this page….
Haha, it did get changed, I woke up early the next morning and didn’t like how it ended up. So I rewrote it slightly 🙂