Gotta agree here. I know if I was to have a kid (and I’ve lost those that know me because they know I most likely wouldn’t) I would be somewhat tolerant of Pokemon in the house, but would probably fly into some kind of blind rage if I knew MY kid liked Psyduck. That’s like wanting to be the kid picked last for almost every kind of activity ever!
Gotta agree here. I know if I was to have a kid (and I’ve lost those that know me because they know I most likely wouldn’t) I would be somewhat tolerant of Pokemon in the house, but would probably fly into some kind of blind rage if I knew MY kid liked Psyduck. That’s like wanting to be the kid picked last for almost every kind of activity ever!
Psyduck was always my favorite Pokemon. :<
Haha, mine too, reminds me of my baby brother (he’s just as awkward)
psyduck’s head is gunna fuckin explode one of these days because of how much he squeezes it
I just loved saying “PSYDUCK!”
poor psyduck, she’s just needs some therapy cuz of that time when the ref molested her
Can I just say one thing about the socks? EEEeeeuuwww!
Whoa whoa whoa…..if I remember correctly, Magikarp was-no….IS possibly the worst pokemon to even consider as “tolerantly likeable” -_-
Poor monty he just wants his porn like everyone else!!
That doesn’t look like a proper Pokemon card