06 02 10 Nerf This
First and foremost, I received this email last week that was utterly and remotely AWESOME, thank you Derek, for making my day, check out what he made and put on his desktop 🙂
Another thing I want to point out is that last week, I linked to a video made by Taylor Lisney, and with everyone’s help, I’m proud to say that he is in the top 10, and he couldn’t thank everyone enough! If by chance you missed his video, or missed voting, you can check it out here 🙂
Bea Arthur= Pure, unadulterated boner fuel.
is it too late for voting in that contest? Because I just pimped Lay-errr Taylor on facebook.
haha, very true, and o, it’s not too late, I really want him do go far in this contest, because there are few people I see that have his passion for creating things.
sweet. I’ll pimp him on dA tomorrow when my brain isn’t going a million miles an hour.
Thanks Joe, I really appreciate it 🙂
That would be amazing, Joe! And thank you Scott, for mentioning me again! It always helps more than anything else!
I just checked out your stuff because of Scott. For a flashy site like yours, I must say, I like, very nice. The loading bar on the top of your page is pretty rad… Also, I like the work I skimmed through. 😀
Thanks a lot, man! That thing really needs to be updated…you’re inspiring me to do just that.
It’s a hobby of every artist, always thinking of ways of updating their site (I’m guilty of that haha)
I thought snarky was a girl monster
Actually… so did I, damn Scott and his NOT informing us otherwise till now! I guess i just assumed girl human, girl pet monster.
Wait, didn’t Snarky have a thing for Monty once…
Snarky still does have a small thing for Monty 😉
Actually, Snarky’s sex isn’t confirmed (this is another small story I have on the back burner)
I’m pretty sure there’s a strip referring to Snarky as a girl. And there’s a wallpaper with the two monsters with a heart, not that that makes Snarky a girl monster. Just curious.
You have a gift for drawing ‘staches
I tried to grow one around xmas for postcards, it was some of the more awkward hours of my life (but if I could grow a beard like Mr. Mills… I can only dream of that day).
Thats Rad!
A Monty Ascot. Now all you need is a mystery machine.Though I imagine Chase would buy a Waffle truck ( Google it, they do indeed exist) before he would be seen in a hippie-tastic van. ” solving mysteries on waffle at a time”
Haha, I might need to do a print of a Scooby Doo knock off, and it would be horribly inappropriate!
Ya know, he really should have taken a clue from the giant picture of Monty sitting on the wall behind him. Hard to miss really…
Very good point, sometimes the most gruffest bearded/ mustached men miss the obvious things.