05 24 10 Nerf This
This is the exaggerated conversation with my computer last night, it went like this:
Me: Well looky here, an important Windows update? Hmmm… it must be important because it told me so.
Sparticus: (My computer’s name): I am very important Scott, you better click on me.
Me: Well… ok, I trust you Sparticus, my oh so awesome computer. *click*
Sparticus: Bwuhahaha! You fool, it is I (rips off mask!) Mr. Horrible Virus! Now you can’t use me ever again!!
Me: NOOOOOO! (sobbing) My trust has been betrayed by technology again!
8 horrid hours later, I killed that virus, luckily the only thing I sacrificed was sleeping last night 😉
The problem is fixed, and this would normally damper my mood, but I’m having a prototype of a Monty Plushie being made, so when that’s completely finalized, I’ll post it on here 🙂
Nice to know I’m not the only one with computer problems. My Windows-operating machine decided to be mean…to the point I got so frustrated, I Triforced it.
Hooray for a giant paperweight!
Well that blows. I was growing worried that you had slipped into a coma or had been maimed by a zombified deer or something equally awful/humiliating.
While zombie deer does sound awkward, no no, I’m not that lucky 🙂
I just blamed the time difference and that it’s sunday, only I just realised it’s monday….uhm…yay new comic!:D
haha, that happens to me more often that I care to admit
I’m sorry all I heard was the plushie is nearly finalized.
It’s being made right now 🙂
Viruses SUCK!! Hates the viruseses…*ssSSsssS* <—(snake) Lol 😛 I just read something last night about the new tricks they're using to get to you. I suggest Norton…it's what I use and I've yet to have a complaint.
ROFL…a used condom!
Anybody who uses Norton is just asking to get slammed by every virus ever written, the program is a virus itself.
And Scott, loving the comic. Keep up the good work man.
I beg to differ…I’ve been using Norton for over a year and a half, and I’ve yet to have any security breaches. And I frequent porn sites. And I download songs and movies. Norton has let me know if anything suspicious is happening and fixes it before I even blink.
I do know Norton is resource heavy, but that’s the extent of my knowledge of it, I use AVG which works for the most part.
AVG is great… I’ve used it for 6 years and have never gotten a virus.
I’ve scanned with other AVs too, just to be sure, MalwareBytes says it’s clean.
oh God. I could put you on the phone for 2 hours with “Ian” the Indian tech support guy. He’ll solve your lappy problems AND sing you to sleep 😉
Simple solution….. get a mac… or use linux if need be. Whatever you do, don’t use windows, for it is the epitome of epic fail.
I would love a Mac, but I feel too attached to my pc, it’s ugly and I like ugly things… like station wagons.
condoms are made form rattle snake skin!!?!?!?! well you learn something new everyday i guess
Who would have thought 😉
You should add virus vanquisher to your adventurer for hire resume 🙂