Ah yes, I like Philippa’s comic very much, unfortunately I need to check up on a lot of comics I’ve been missing. I missed that storyline too, I’ll need to check it out 🙂
Ohhhhh 🙁 my dad would love Chase if I brought him home for thanksgiving or something. He’d prob say chase was “an interesting young man”, and ignore me while chase tells him of his koala escapades all night.
oh please base his dress sense on my own, Im a total dad!
tweed jacket, knitted check vest, loafers….and a pipe!
and ill tell you what is so terrifying about him… an epic mustache so mighty that it has powers of its own! the power of inducing awe and fear in any prospective boyfriend!
that would scare the hell out of me..
i love when i send you secret emails about evil scientists and other english-ey stuff and then see the fruits of our labors right in this very comic. also, ive been trying to start my own midnight society for years, but no one will trust me with that magic powder that makes fire change colors 🙁
*squints up face in the “hmmmmm” position* Just don’t get rid of Chase’s glasses! Or better yet, Monty in glasses!
In all seriousness I’m interested in what would be change, since most of the changes have been for the better, however the style right now is very nice…We shall see Dr. Jones…(cough Indiana Monty outfit!)
I tried describing my dilemma to my friend, my ways of drawing the cast are a bit limited to certain positions, I want to rework the art slightly to eliminate that, Chase would maintain his glasses too 😉 I was thinking something like Scout Crossing’s characters… not sure yet, I’ll post sketches next week most likely. (And Monty will have that famous outfit one day I promise you)
Didn’t he already meet her dad? I remember him saying that her parents called him a shining star. This was in reference to when she made fun of him for rubbing glitter glue on his face…
Collaborating with Sylvia Plath on this one?
Haha, I actually changed the whole path of this story, so we’ll see how it pans out 🙂
my ex gf told me that once i woke up in a pool of goats blood in a church with a pentagram carved into my chest this is why i don’t trust women
i was also chained to a pipe organ and as i woke up i was forced to play bach for hours
I’d say you better invest in pointy things, or restraining orders 😉
I think a combination of the two would be best.
I don’t know… this could go very well! Maybe he’s not violent, insane, or some kind of secret government agent of some kind.
Maybe he’s just embarrassing! 🙂
Excited to see how this turns out nonetheless.
Honestly, I’m not even sure what he’ll act like yet… drawing it right now haha
I don’t know if you’ve read My Cardboard Life, but I’m hoping this goes something like the story arch when Colin’s grandfather comes to visit.
Ah yes, I like Philippa’s comic very much, unfortunately I need to check up on a lot of comics I’ve been missing. I missed that storyline too, I’ll need to check it out 🙂
Sorry, when Colin’s FATHER comes to visit o.0
Ohhhhh 🙁 my dad would love Chase if I brought him home for thanksgiving or something. He’d prob say chase was “an interesting young man”, and ignore me while chase tells him of his koala escapades all night.
My dad would call him Satan and tell him to get out of his house. (despite it being Chase’s house)
What could possibly be so terrifying about Taryn’s dad?
I’m not sure yet, but I’m thinking of a mix between the old man that beat up Slappy, and Bill Cosby… an Irish Bill Cosby.
I’m imagining a large black man with a ginger Afro and terrible sweater…
My god it amuses me.
And a kilt. Ugly sweater, kilt, codpiece, ginger fro. With paisley socks.
Pffft, please.
Kilts are for the Scottish.
Bill Cosby sweaters are for Bill Cosbies.
very well said 😉
Ah yes, as a Ferguson we have such things 🙂
I absolutely love the term “Man Strength.”
oh please base his dress sense on my own, Im a total dad!
tweed jacket, knitted check vest, loafers….and a pipe!
and ill tell you what is so terrifying about him… an epic mustache so mighty that it has powers of its own! the power of inducing awe and fear in any prospective boyfriend!
that would scare the hell out of me..
I know she’s serious, but LOL!
i love when i send you secret emails about evil scientists and other english-ey stuff and then see the fruits of our labors right in this very comic. also, ive been trying to start my own midnight society for years, but no one will trust me with that magic powder that makes fire change colors 🙁
Wait are you saying you’re wanting to redo how the characters are drawn again?
I’ve been thinking about it, very little changes but setting up my frames differently and re-hauling a lot of the male cast.
*squints up face in the “hmmmmm” position* Just don’t get rid of Chase’s glasses! Or better yet, Monty in glasses!
In all seriousness I’m interested in what would be change, since most of the changes have been for the better, however the style right now is very nice…We shall see Dr. Jones…(cough Indiana Monty outfit!)
I tried describing my dilemma to my friend, my ways of drawing the cast are a bit limited to certain positions, I want to rework the art slightly to eliminate that, Chase would maintain his glasses too 😉 I was thinking something like Scout Crossing’s characters… not sure yet, I’ll post sketches next week most likely. (And Monty will have that famous outfit one day I promise you)
Waitaminute…my sister used that plan when her boyfriend met our dad!!
Didn’t he already meet her dad? I remember him saying that her parents called him a shining star. This was in reference to when she made fun of him for rubbing glitter glue on his face…